trump-bets-in-las-vegas-on-the-latino-vote-to-deal-the-final-blow-to-bidenTrump bets in Las Vegas on the Latino vote to deal the final blow to Biden
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09 Jun 2024, 19:20 PM EDT

Las Vegas (USA).- Former Republican President Donald Trump (2017-2021) opted this Sunday for Latino voters at an electoral rally in Las Vegas dedicated to this community in which he attacked the migrants who are arriving through the southern border and those who he said “are harming” the economy of Latinos already living in the United States.

Trump insisted that the situation on the southern border is “unsustainable” and accused President Joe Biden of having created a “crisis” and pointed out that the asylum restrictions announced by the president last Tuesday “mean nothing.”

“If Joe Biden wanted to sign an executive order to stop the invasion, the only thing he would have to do is say: ‘Here I reinstitute all the border policies of someone called Donald Trump,’” the former president said in front of the attendees who gathered in Sunset Park. under a temperature of around 38 degrees Celsius.

As he did since 2016, the former president used anti-immigrant rhetoric and directly attacked the migrants who arrive at the southern border by ensuring that they are hurting “American Latinos,” as he refers to the members of this community who have legal status. in the country.

He also falsely claimed that migrants who enter irregularly “are taking 100 percent of the new jobs. “They are hurting our families, they are destroying our black population, they are destroying our Hispanic population, and they know what else they are destroying our unions,” the president said.

Trump took advantage of today’s event to rename the campaign focused on the Hispanic and Latino community, which went from being called Latinos for Trump to Latin American for Trump. The change was made to emphasize that Latinos are Americans, according to Jaime Florez, director, told Efe. of Hispanic communications of the Trump campaign.

Nevada has become an elusive state for Republicans since 2008, when former President Barack Obama (2009-2017) won the state comfortably, something that cost Biden in 2020 when he won by about 34,000 votes, or 2.4 percentage points in favor.

Érika Castro, fund organizer of the Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada, explained to EFE that the votes of the Latino community helped Biden win Nevada, considered a pivotal state.

But the situation seems to be changing, for now, the polls in Nevada are in favor of Trump. According to the average of polls on the FiveThirtyEight website, he leads him by five percentage points, with 45% of voting intentions.

A recent New York Times/Siena College poll showed the former Republican president is gaining support among Latino voters with 36% saying they would vote for him compared to 26% saying they would vote for Biden.

The young people of Nevada are also leaning in favor of Trump, an example of this is the Puerto Ricans Gustavo and Elena, 24 and 26 years old, respectively, the brothers who have lived in Nevada for more than a decade believe that the former president represents “a good future” for the country, according to what they told EFE.

The same arguments were expressed by Guatemalan Mary Gutiérrez, 50, who came from San Bernardino (California) with her family to attend the former president’s rally.

The immigrant told Efe that Trump’s defeat in 2020 prompted her to become a citizen and that the former president will have her vote and that of her family. This morning the Gutiérrez family arrived at five in the morning to line up early and be able to secure a seat near the podium and express their support for him to close the border.

“Someone has to put order in this situation and I think that immigrants who come to not comply with the rules should be deported,” Gutiérrez said.

At the end of the speech Gutiérrez said she felt excited about the Republican’s promises to secure the border, lower taxes and revitalize the economy.

Trump concluded his rally by inviting attendees to vote in the Nevada primaries next Tuesday, June 11, in which he will surely be chosen as the Republican candidate, despite the fact that the party’s statutes in this state specify that no person convicted can be elected as a candidate.

Keep reading:
• Trump creates a TikTok and in less than 24 hours he already surpasses Biden’s campaign in followers
• Mass deportation and border wall: Trump’s anti-immigrant speech in front of Hispanics in the Bronx, New York
• Donald Trump recognized the support he receives from Hispanics in the United States: “They are good people”

By Scribe