keys-to-biden's-order-on-the-border,-asylum-and-accelerated-deportations-(podcast)Keys to Biden's order on the border, asylum and accelerated deportations (podcast)
Avatar of Jesus Garcia

By Jesus Garcia

Jun 10, 2024, 3:43 PM EDT

Last week, President Joe Biden proclaimed significant changes to the border, asylum requests and accelerated deportations that have been criticized by civil organizations that defend migrants.

The president invoked the power of the Nationality and Immigration Law (INA) to determine the closure of the border when he considers appropriate.

In this case, it was determined that when the number of immigrants exceeds 2,500, a closure is imposed, while the flow of encounters with non-citizens is monitored; It will be the Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, who will determine the reopening of the border, when the flow of immigrants drops to a maximum of 1,500 per day.

The main criticisms from civil organizations of President Biden’s decision focus on the complication in asylum requests when the border is “closed”, since it increases the rigidity for immigrants to demonstrate “credible fear” and their case can be considered. .

Immigrants who are detained crossing the border irregularly will be processed for accelerated deportation and although they will be able to request asylum, they will only have four hours to find a lawyer to represent them in court.

The lawyer, author and academic at Ohio State University, César Cuauhtémoc García Hernández, explained in the podcast “El Diario Sin Límites” some implications of President Biden’s decision.

“A person who arrives in the United States, without prior permission, without a visa or without an appointment to request asylum, made by the CBP One application […] There is a special exception for minors who arrive alone, but the idea is that they will be denied asylum,” said García Hernández.

>> Since when does Biden’s new executive order apply?
>> Will this order be permanent?
>> What are the main problems that an immigrant could face at the border?

Listen to the podcast on Spotify or click the link below.

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