donate-blood-to-save-livesDonate blood to save lives

By HITN Life and Health

Jun 19, 2024, 3:40 PM EDT

“Donating blood is donating life” is a well-known phrase from blood donation campaigns. According to the American Red Cross, there are almost 7 million altruistic donors, that is, they do so voluntarily and not because of the direct need of a family member or acquaintance; but it’s not enough yet.

Being a blood and other blood tissue donor is one of the easiest ways to collaborate with society and offer help to others who need it. In this article, regarding World Donor Day, we want to tell you the importance of being a donor, answer some questions and show you the journey that people who decide to help take, which, in general, is quite quick. So, wouldn’t you like to be a hero without a cape?

The blood

Our blood is a tissue like the skin, muscles or the walls of the intestine, so it is alive. It is made up of three groups of cells and the liquid part:

  • Red blood cells: Crucial in the life process and are those in the blood in greatest quantity. They carry oxygen and carbon dioxide. The number of these cells is so great that the blood generally appears red. They are donated only in whole blood.
  • White blood cells: They are the defense cells. There are many different types and without them it would be impossible to recognize cells that are sick (such as cancer) or pathogens that want to attack us. When donating blood they are almost not affected.
  • Platelets: These are the cells that help heal wounds. In many operations with large blood loss, it is not only requested to donate whole blood, but also to donate only platelets to enrich that of the recipient. Platelets must be used within 5 days of donation, so it is key to always have people available.
  • Plasma: It is the liquid part of blood. It contains all the nutrients found in blood, it has a light yellow color. It is also asked to donate only plasma, in order to be able to dilute the blood donated by others and thus reach more people.

Each person, based on their blood type, can be grouped into two categories: blood type (A, B, AB or 0) and Rh (positive or negative). People with type 0 blood can only receive that type; ABs can receive any and A’s, only A; and B only B. The same happens with Rh. So if you have a rare blood type, it is imperative that you donate.

The importance of donating

Blood transfusions are very important in accidents, surgeries, diseases such as anemia, cancer and others. In these cases, from 1 to even 30 donors are needed.

Imagine for a moment people who, due to lack of blood, can die in a matter of minutes, but if they have a little of yours, they will be saved almost immediately. Contrary to what you may think, donating blood and other tissues is safe and minimally invasive; In the worst cases, which are very rare, a normal person will feel dizzy for a few hours,

The process

Once you go to make a donation they will interview you to see if you are eligible. The United States Red Cross states that those who:

  • They don’t feel good
  • Have consumed drugs or alcohol in the last 48 hours
  • Are under 17 years old or over 65 years old
  • Weigh less than 55 kilos
  • They have suffered, or suffer from epilepsy, hepatitis, STIs, malaria, cancer, or any severe heart disease.
  • Had surgery in the last 6 months
  • Had a tattoo, piercing, or received a hepatitis or rabies vaccine less than a year ago

If you have more questions about this, you can contact the Red Cross or the public health service.

You will be sat in a comfortable chair and a catheter will be inserted, which hurts slightly. At that time, blood samples will be taken to assess if you have any infection, and then the blood will be extracted, which will be half a liter, very little to really affect your body (it does not cause anemia, you gain weight or your defenses can be lowered, you will not get infected either). .

When finished, they will rest in the chair for a few minutes and then you will eat a snack that generally consists of juice and a cookie. And ready!

In the following days make sure to eat foods rich in iron, protein and drink plenty of water. It is also important that you take it easy on donation day and do not make great efforts.

Donating blood is to donate life

For all of the above, this donor month, or any time you feel ready, remember that donating blood and other blood tissues is a powerful act of compassion and altruism that can save and improve lives. Blood that is not intended for a family member or friend of yours will be distributed to hospitals or clinics that need it.

About Vida y Salud: This content has been created by the editorial team of, a space founded more than ten years ago under the editorial direction of Dr. Aliza Lifshitz with the mission of informing, educating and raising awareness on issues of health and well-being. A unique resource for the Hispanic community in the United States, Vida y Salud includes the digital platform and Vida y Salud TV that airs regularly on the public TV network HITN.

By Scribe