know-why-you-have-bad-breathKnow why you have bad breath

In Greek mythology, the many-headed beast Hydra had halitosis so severe that the stench of its breath was deadly to anyone who smelled it.

Fortunately, our morning breath may not be as powerful, although eating onions or garlic may give some people a run for their money with the Hydra.

Halitosis has many causes (apart from poor oral hygiene) and can indicate problems in the gut, sinuses, and even bloodstream. In fact, even breath samples can be analyzed to make formal diagnoses of health problems.

One condition that can affect breath odor is diabetes mellitus. This is a metabolic disorder in which sugar (glucose) cannot access the body’s cells where it is needed to provide energy and therefore increases in the bloodstream.

In some cases, such as an insufficient dose of insulin or an infection, the body’s response is to break down fats into compounds called ketones to act as a quick form of fuel. This serious condition is known as diabetic ketoacidosis.

Ketones have a distinctive odor. Acetone, which is also an ingredient in some nail polish removers, is one of these ketones and smells like pear drops (some British candies whose name in Spanish would translate as pear drops).

When ketones build up in the bloodstream, they easily diffuse into the breath, giving it a fruity smell.

But it’s not only diabetes that can trigger the production of ketones.

Halitosis has many causes, apart from poor oral hygiene. (Photo: Getty Images)

Some diets are based on generating ketones from the breakdown of fats to promote weight loss. These methods, like the Atkins diet, force the body to convert fat into energy by restricting carbohydrates.

Other diets based on the same principles include the 5:2 intermittent fasting diet. In this diet, followers restrict food intake two days a week to significantly reduce calorie consumption and cause the body to produce ketones.

These diets can help you lose weight, but the side effects can be discouraging.

One of the most notable side effects is bad breath, although there are also anecdotal reports of ketogenic crotch, where some followers of ketogenic diets complain of a strong genital odor.

Bacteria and breath

Another cause of bad breath is the overgrowth of bacteria that produce bad odors.

There are many corners in the mouth where bacteria hide, grow and rot, especially hard-to-clean areas (between the teeth and in and around the gums and tongue) or out-of-reach places, such as the back of the mouth and throat.

The throat acts as a passageway for food, liquids, and air. Some patients may develop a condition called pharyngeal pouch.

This is where a pouch forms at the back of the pharynx (the medical name for the throat) in which food and liquid can accumulate, ferment, and give the breath a pungent odor.

Brushing your teeth is important to avoid bad breath. (Photo: Getty Images)

Bacteria can also trigger infections in the mouth, such as tonsillitis and dental abscesses, where tissues become inflamed or develop purulence (production of pus).

Pus is a collection of different dead cells, including bacteria, and may also give off a putrid odor.

Sinusitis, which is an infection of the air-filled cavities of the skull, can also leak foul-smelling infected secretions into the throat, causing bad breath.

breath tests

Doctors can perform breath tests for bacteria to diagnose some health conditions.

For example, him Helicobacter pyloria bacteria that can irritate the intestine and cause potentially dangerous ulcers to develop, converts the compound urea into carbon dioxide.

To detect the H pyloria diagnostic breath test is performed before and after urea is administered to a patient.

If the patient exhales elevated levels of carbon dioxide after receiving a dose of urea, then the test is positive.

Some intestinal problems can be detected through the breath. (Photo: Getty Images)

Breath can also be tested for bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine: sibo, which can cause symptoms such as abdominal pain and bloating.

Sibo produces gases such as hydrogen and methane that can also be detected by a breath test.

If you are concerned about bad breath and you don’t have any medical problems, you can test your own breath.

An old method is to lick the back of the doll, let it dry, and then smell it. You can also do the same with a tongue scraper, dental floss, or a cupped exhaled breath sample.


We can often get used to the smell of our own breath. We may only notice when it gets really bad or when there are other symptoms, such as a bad taste in our mouth. Or when someone musters the courage to finally tell us that our breath smells bad.

Suppose someone has given you the news: what do you do now? Simple measures can work well, including regular fluid intake (dry mouth can cause bad breath, so make sure you drink enough water) and practicing good oral hygiene.

This involves brushing your teeth, brushing your tongue, and flossing between your teeth to remove bacteria, as well as regular checkups with your dentist.

Mouthwash may be an effective temporary solution, but there is evidence that a diet rich in leafy greens may be even better at counteracting bad breath.

Smoking is another possible underlying cause of halitosis. So if you want sweeter breath, give up cigarettes – yet another good reason to quit smoking.

*Dan Baumgardt is a professor at the School of Physiology, Pharmacology and Neuroscience, University of Bristol, UK.

*This article was published on The Conversation and reproduced here under the Creative Commons license. Click here to read the original version.

Keep reading:

* Four foods that help oral health and fight bad breath
* Garlic-flavored breath? Here is an effective and simple remedy to control it
* What is the most effective way to treat halitosis or bad breath?

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