“he-is-the-only-one-who-represents-god,”-say-conservative-christians-about-donald-trump“He is the only one who represents God,” say conservative Christians about Donald Trump
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Jun 22, 2024, 16:36 PM EDT

Former US President Donald Trump (2017-2021) has a faithful electorate in conservative Christianity: “He is the only one who represents God,” it was proclaimed this Saturday from the main meeting of that group of believers.

The organization Faith and Freedom Coalition as the promoter of this event and the Washington Hilton hotel as the setting gathered in the US capital devotees of both the Lord and the Republican candidate, whom they hope to see again in the White House after the elections on November 5 .

The fervor was palpable as soon as the former president stepped onto the stage, preceded by applause. It was his ninth time, as he himself said, and he would not miss participating in it “for anything.”

“Do you know the power you have if you are going to vote? Only on this occasion. In four years they won’t have to, I don’t care. These are going to be the most important elections in our history. “You have to vote,” the former president said to that audience, to whom he repeated his belief that current President Joe Biden is “a threat to democracy.”

The United States “needs Christian voters to vote en masse to tell Joe: Joe, you’re fired,” added Trump, for whom if his opponent remains in power, Christianity will be in danger because “there will be no border, no freedom, no future.” .

“Our loyalty is to our country and our Creator,” said the Republican politician, who was pleased that the conservative majority in the Supreme Court managed to revoke federal protection of abortion in the country two years ago this Monday and alleged that his party always will defend “families and babies.”

“Representative” of God

His message resonated. “It represents the Lord. “He is the only one who is with God,” Rose Naliaka Wanyama, pastor of the Ministry of Repentance and Holiness, told EFE, who from her stand at the Hilton echoed the mission of her movement to bring together the different branches of Christianity to ask for forgiveness for the “sins” committed.

Support for Trump is not weakened by the four criminal cases against him, one of which, in New York, found him guilty of falsifying business records.

“He is a human being like us, not an angel. He is prepared to say that he is sorry. We must give it a chance,” said Wanyama, but not without raising doubts about possible political motivations behind these processes.

The Faith and Freedom Coalition, which claims to have some 3 million members and is dedicated to defending Christian values ​​in the public arena, brought together conservative legislators and representatives for its meeting.

“We must recover the United States and that starts with Trump,” Virginia Governor Glen Youngkin noted in his speech.

Joe Biden was invited in the past to participate, but they stopped reaching out to him because he always rejected the offer, Tim Head, executive director of the organizing coalition, told EFE.

After these almost four years in power, he would not have treaded favorable ground in this meeting called “2024 Road to Majority” either.

“This is probably the weakest America we’ve seen in 50 years. It has the weakest economy it has experienced, the weakest diplomatic posture, the lowest military perception surely since World War II,” Head stressed. Not all conflicts could have been predicted, in his opinion, but they could have been “prevented or minimized.”

At the moment there is practically a tie between the two candidates. Biden is in the lead with 40.7% of voting intentions, according to the average of polls prepared by the FiveThirtyEight website, and Trump follows him with 40.5%.

There were participants in the meeting who do not care about the outcome of the elections. Among them, Ben Ruprecht, regional representative of the organization Lifewise Academy, which brings Bible teaching to public schools during school hours: “God is in control. So in a sense nothing is going to change because he will still be the king of the throne.”

Keep reading:
• Trump seeks to dismiss accusations in Florida for mishandling confidential documents
• Michael Bloomberg, former mayor of New York, donated $20 million to Biden’s campaign
• Trump promises “automatic” residency (green card) to migrants who receive a college diploma

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