peruvian-authorities-announce-capture-of-520-members-of-the-tren-de-aragua-criminal-gangPeruvian authorities announce capture of 520 members of the Tren de Aragua criminal gang
Marlyn Montilla avatar

By Marlyn Montilla

Jun 22, 2024, 16:22 PM EDT

The National Police of Peru (PNP) has so far arrested some 520 members of the transnational crime organization Tren de Aragua, announced the Chief of Staff of the PNP, Óscar Arriola.

The police chief declared that among those detained are leaders of that organization, accused of committing serious crimes related to human trafficking, drug trafficking, extortion, kidnappings and homicides.

“Here, the leaders of the Aragua Train have been captured,” Arriola remarked before adding that the work carried out by the PNP has led to Peruvian police chiefs having “meetings” with their counterparts from Ecuador and Chile to share their strategies. based on operational intelligence.

Although Peruvian authorities indicate that security is one of their main concerns, the PNP general maintained that his country has one of the lowest crime and murder rates compared to neighboring nations.

Arriola reported that a large police operation that was carried out on Thursday at the national level, called “Safe Dawn”, allowed the arrest of 395 people with judicial warrants and another 690 people supposedly involved in different crimes.

Likewise, it was reported that 48 firearms were seized and 56 vehicles and 480 stolen cell phones were also recovered.

“It is one of the measures planned in advance, which has instruments such as intelligence, information, analysis, to see the places where it is going to be carried out, according to the crime map,” he explained.

The “Safe Dawn” procedure was called by Peruvian officials as the “largest in the history” of the country and said that it included the participation of the president, Dina Boluarte, and her ministers, who traveled to different regions. from Peru.

“We are fighting crime and organized crime at the national level. “We are not going to give up,” said Boluarte before stating that his Administration wants citizens to “feel protected from the moment they begin their activities.”

Likewise, José Santiváñez, the Minister of the Interior, assured that the Government “has gone out to fight against crime and organized crime.”

The Aragua Train was founded in the prisons of Venezuela and has expanded to more Latin American countries such as Colombia, Peru, Bolivia and Chile, while the United States border authorities have assured that members of this gang have also entered the North American country.

Keep reading:

  • Former mayor of Venezuela granted asylum in the US gave an alarming warning about the Aragua Train
  • A member of the Aragua Train wanted by the Peruvian authorities was arrested in New York
  • They arrest a drug trafficker accused of being an associate of the head of the ‘Tren de Aragua’ in Colombia

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