ecuador's-parliament-denied-that-it-has-a-plan-to-declare-president-daniel-noboa-“crazy”Ecuador's Parliament denied that it has a plan to declare President Daniel Noboa “crazy”

The National Assembly of Ecuador reaffirmed this Sunday that the alleged plan to declare the mental incapacity of President Daniel Noboa is “false” and “invented”, an accusation launched by politicians close to the president.

Recently, pro-government legislator Valentina Centeno warned about an alleged intention by the opposition to declare the young president “crazy.”

Esteban Torres, vice minister of government, also mentioned that it was intended to reissue the “old reliable” of mental incapacity, alluding to the dismissal of Abdalá Bucaram in 1997 for “mental incapacity to govern,” a measure that was taken without a medical examination or the right to defense, points out Efe.

On Thursday, during a session in the National Assembly, the agenda was modified to reject Noboa’s statements to the American magazine The New Yorker.

In the article, the president described Colombian President Gustavo Petro as “a leftist snob,” Salvadoran Nayib Bukele as “arrogant,” and Argentinian Javier Milei as “self-absorbed.” Journalist Jon Lee Anderson, author of the article, mentioned that some Noboa advisors believe the president is on the autism spectrum.

This Sunday, the Legislature joined the rejection of various social organizations that defend the rights of people with autism. In a statement, the Assembly stated that “in no way does it consider autism as synonymous with disability” and condemned the political use of this condition by the Executive and the ruling party.

Daniel Noboa ironicized about his “madness”

In response to these accusations, President Daniel Noboa spoke ironically on Friday during the ceremony to begin the construction of a maximum security prison.

“I am crazy for preventing corruption from continuing in Ecuador. “I am crazy because I want to give an opportunity to our unemployed young people,” said the president.

“I’m crazy because I have ambitious plans like giving 100,000 scholarships to young people, building maximum security prisons, improving the country’s agriculture and exports,” he added.

The politician continued with his ironic tone: “They say I’m crazy too because I risk my life every day, going to the most difficult places and basing myself in Manta, one of the areas with security problems.”

In addition, Efe cited, he challenged those who criticize his management: “This crazy man is going to make it very difficult for that old Ecuador that has its leaders in maximum security prisons for corruption and drug trafficking.”

This weekend, he used irony again through a TikTok video titled “What I Would Do If I Was Really Crazy.”

In the material, Daniel Noboa suggests that, if he were crazy, he would free Jorge Glas, who is serving a sentence for alleged corruption in a maximum security prison. The vice president during the governments of Rafael Correa and Lenín Moreno, was arrested after a police assault on the Mexican Embassy, ​​where he had sought asylum last December.

He also indicated that, if he were “really crazy,” he would make a pact with the mafias or visit the Pacific Refinery, a large-scale project promoted during the Correa government, but that never came to fruition.

Keep reading:
• They warn that Ecuador’s opposition will try to declare Daniel Noboa’s “mental incapacity”
• Daniel Noboa began the construction of the maximum security prison for corrupt people and criminals
• Javier Milei is the highest-rated president in South America; He is followed by Daniel Noboa and Lula da Silva

By Scribe