the-'dreamers'-are-better-protected,-but-there-is-still-a-way-to-go-(podcast)The 'dreamers' are better protected, but there is still a way to go (podcast)
Avatar of Jesus Garcia

By Jesus Garcia

Jun 24, 2024, 17:27 PM EDT

President Joe Biden’s administration implemented a new policy that allows ‘Dreamers’, under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, to apply for health insurance.

In early May, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), through the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), finalized a rule to expand that access to health that is estimated to benefit about 100,000 DACA beneficiaries. .

“HHS is committed to making health coverage accessible to DACA recipients – Dreamers – who have worked hard to live the American Dream,” Health Secretary Xavier Becerra said at the time. “More than a third of DACA recipients currently do not have health insurance, so making them eligible to enroll in coverage will improve their health and well-being, and help the overall economy.”

Giselle Gasca, DACA beneficiary and regional Program Manager (West Coast) of Poder Latinx, explains in the podcast “El Diario Sin Límites” the scope of the Biden Administration’s decision, but also the pending challenges.

“It brings us a little relief to know that now we will be able to have access to health insurance without having to pay too much money that sometimes can really […] remove ourselves from the expenses of our house”,

He added that there is still a challenge in courts over the permanence of DACA. The interview also occurred prior to the Biden Administration’s decision to allow university ‘dreamers’ to apply for an H1-B type work permit.

>> What is the rule for ‘dreamers’ to obtain low-cost health insurance?
>> Why is this benefit important?
>> What happens with the challenge to DACA in court?

Listen to the podcast on Spotify or click the link below.

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