maribel-guardia-reveals-if-she-agrees-that-her-daughter-in-law-should-lead-her-love-life-after-the-death-of-her-sonMaribel Guardia reveals if she agrees that her daughter-in-law should lead her love life after the death of her son
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By Cindy Quevedo

Jun 26, 2024, 2:57 PM EDT

Maribel Guardia has expressed that, as a mother and grandmother, the most important thing for her is to see Imelda Tuñón and her grandson happy, and that each person has the right to rebuild their life and seek their own happiness. Although the situation may be painful for the family, Maribel has proven to be an understanding person and open to accepting any decision that Imelda may make in her emotional life.

“They will surely see her with several men because she is a single woman. It’s not that I love it, but I understand that she is a free woman, she is a very beautiful, young woman, she has to make her life and move on,” Maribel told ‘Ventaneando’.

The actress has reiterated her unconditional support for her daughter-in-law, reminding her that she will always have her support and love, regardless of the decisions she makes in her personal life. Guardia has shown that her family is the most important thing to her, and that she is willing to stay together and provide her full support in difficult times.

“Difficult for me, of course, but I understand perfectly that she has to live her life, that she is young, that she is beautiful. Life goes on, may God be with you, I hope. What I ask God is that he gets a good man, because the man he gets will get my grandson too,” she added during the conversation.

Despite the loss of Julián Figueroa, Maribel’s family shows that unity and love are essential to overcome any adversity, and that together they will be able to move forward, supporting each other at all times.

“I ask God a lot for her, whenever I am here praying to the Virgin I always kneel and believe me, I swear to God, that the first person I pray for is Imelda, asking God to take care of her, to protect her, “That if one day she tells a man to be a good man, because if things go well for her, my grandson will also do well,” she added.

Keep reading:
· Maribel Guardia congratulated her grandson after celebrating his birthday on the same day as her deceased son Julián Figueroa
· Maribel Guardia confesses that she was scolded for having her son’s ashes at home
· Maribel Guardia reveals the request that her son Julián Figueroa made to her in case something happened to him

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