laura-flores-will-undergo-surgery-and-gives-progress-on-her-current-state-of-healthLaura Flores will undergo surgery and gives progress on her current state of health
Avatar of Cindy Quevedo

By Cindy Quevedo

Jun 27, 2024, 11:53 AM EDT

Laura Flores explained that she underwent medical treatment to assess whether there are any lesions in any part of her body before undergoing surgery to correct her hiatal hernia. The actress shared that this test is necessary to ensure that she is in optimal condition for surgery and to be able to make decisions about her treatment.

“This little cable goes to my esophagus and my stomach, it is a study called Manometry, I have a constant problem with gastritis and reflux, which has been bothering me like hell. I have already diagnosed it, it is a 3-millimeter hiatal hernia, they have to remove it,” she said in a video shared on Instagram.

With this positive attitude and commitment to her well-being, Laura once again demonstrates her courage and determination to overcome any obstacle that comes her way. Without a doubt, her inspiring attitude and her prevention message are an example for all of her followers.

“After an endoscopy they told you what you had, they operated on you and that’s it, but today it has been proven that that is not enough, they have to do a study to see how your esophagus works. This tummy is going to be there for 24 hours, it is connected to this toy that measures how my esophagus works, it is very uncomfortable, because you feel the presence of something here,” she added.

Laura took the opportunity to thank her followers for the support and expressions of affection she has received since announcing her health problem. She also asked them to take care of themselves and get regular medical checkups to prevent complications.

“I have to write down what I ate, when I had heartburn, and they already did another one this morning and they are looking at the state of health of my esophagus so that, if they are going to come in to remove a hernia, they will check and fix whatever they have to do.” “fixing the esophagus and not just fixing one thing, but fixing the entire problem, instead of taking so many pills for heartburn, is fixing the root problem,” he added.

Keep reading:
· Laura Flores reveals that she had a cerebral microinfarction due to a cosmetic treatment
· Laura Flores responds bluntly to negative opinions about her new boyfriend and him being so old
· Laura Flores apologizes to her son for having suggested that he have a gastric balloon, which worsened his health

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