chiquis-rivera-launches-a-thoughtful-message-after-the-emotional-ceremony-in-honor-of-jenni-riveraChiquis Rivera launches a thoughtful message after the emotional ceremony in honor of Jenni Rivera
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By July White

Jun 28, 2024, 10:17 PM EDT

Chiquis Rivera spoke shortly after the delivery on the Hollywood Walk of Fame of a star dedicated to her mother, singer Jenni Rivera.

In a material that she shared on her Instagram account, the ‘Queen Bee’: “I just want to vent a little bit, without saying much because it is not necessary, because things always come out, the personality, the character, what is in the heart, people always come out.”

After this, the artist stated that perhaps many people wonder, like her, why many people who act badly do well.

“They appear, but little by little God makes sure that those not so good things come to light, without you having to do anything. He leaves those things in the hands of God.”

Chiquis Rivera stated that everything falls under its own weight, without mentioning anyone specifically. “I don’t wish anyone harm, not even when I get angry,” he said.

Reactions to Chiquis Rivera’s message

This video has caused a lot of intrigue, as it did not provide much insight, it only stated: “Sometimes there are a lot of people who want to get on my nerves, I don’t know, but you understand me.”

In some programs, such as ‘El Gordo y la Flaca’, they uploaded this material and users reacted without contemplation.

“You mention God when you keep so much hate in your heart”, “Come on Chiquis, come on, you look prettier when you keep quiet”, “Chiquis is like everyone else, she gives advice but we don’t follow it. I mean, if she followed what she says, her family would be a different story, they even sued the grandfather! And if she hadn’t sued him, he would have ended up sinking all by himself with all the bad things he allegedly did”.

Chiquis Rivera has had some intense moments with her family, especially recently when she faced her grandfather, Don Pedro Rivera, over the rights to her famous mother’s songs.

Although it was thought that handing over the star to Jenni would calm things down a bit, Chiquis’ video has proven otherwise.

Keep reading:
· On June 27, Jenni Rivera will receive her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame
· Shocking message from Doña Rosa to Chiquis after the loss of her baby
· VIDEO: Jenni Rivera’s son reacts to Peso Pluma’s tribute to the singer at Coachella

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