migrants-stranded-on-the-mexican-border-fear-possible-victory-in-the-us-presidential-elections.Migrants stranded on the Mexican border fear possible victory in the US presidential elections.
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Migrants stranded in the border city of Ciudad Juárez, who are waiting for an appointment to request asylum in the United States, told EFE this Friday that they felt frustrated because in the presidential debate held this Thursday night no clear solution to the immigration issue was offered.

They also said they are afraid of Donald Trump’s possible victory because of his anti-immigrant speech and called him “racist,” while they see more possibilities of being able to enter the United States if Joe Biden is reelected.

Julián Andrés López, from Colombia, indicated that politicians’ discourse has criminalized immigrants, although the vast majority of foreigners make the United States increasingly stronger and more productive.

“They don’t think about migrants, they believe that we are always going to cause harm, that we are going to commit crimes, but we are not all the same, there are bad people, because there are bad people everywhere, migrants are going to look for a future to work for our families “said the migrant while waiting for his appointment with the US government to request asylum.

Andrea, a migrant from southern Mexico, poses as others watch the presidential debate at a shelter for migrants waiting to apply for asylum. Photo: Gregory Bull / AP

The Colombian said that he does not agree with the opinion expressed by former President Donald Trump (2017-2021), who says that migrants are harmful to all the countries they pass through, and stated that the worst that can happen is for the candidate to win. republican.

“If President Trump stays, things will become more difficult because he was the one who ordered the wall to be built, and he is the one who always closes the border and does not want immigrants. We are quite afraid that he will stay. Biden is a little more flexible, he closes us off, but he lets a certain number of people in, Donald Trump does not,” she said.

Kenya Patricia Arévalo is another migrant from El Salvador who is waiting to be able to formally request entry into the country through the CBP One application.

“They are attacks on each other, but at least for us migrants it is more beneficial for Biden to remain than for Donald Trump to remain because he is a bit racist. I don’t understand why he doesn’t want immigrants if we are the ones who come to work hard there to be able to do the hard work that the Americans can’t do,” he said.

He expressed that if the United States takes into account the opinion of the thousands and thousands of migrants who are there helping to build the richest nation in the world, the one who presents the most inclusive policies towards foreigners would win.

Two migrants sleep in their bunk beds at the San Juan Bosco migrant shelter in Nogales, Mexico. Photo: Jae C. Hong / AP

“It would be good if they gave voice and vote to immigrants, and I am sure that none of those who are in the United States would ever vote for Donald Trump,” she added.

Cindy Hernandez, from Honduras, also watched the US presidential debate from Ciudad Juarez, where she is waiting for her appointment to apply for asylum. She said she was offended by Trump’s position that generalizes the migrant population as criminals.

“If I were given the opportunity to be on the other side, I would go to do good in the country, not to do harm. I do not agree with Trump’s opinion that we are going to do harm. He has no heart, he was born where we would like to be to do good to everyone we could. I do not consider his opinion to be the correct one to describe us immigrants,” she said.

He indicated that the debate was very poor and regretted that Biden had not been able to answer the questions related to migration and described Trump as racist.

Keep reading:
• Massachusetts governor sent officials to Texas border with a message for migrants
• From barriers to shelters: Arizona border containers are now cooling centers
• López Obrador asks Biden and Trump “not to blame Mexico” for migration in the debate

By Scribe