prepare-hot-dogs-faster-on-the-grill-with-this-hackPrepare hot dogs faster on the grill with this hack
Avatar of Miyeilis Flores

By Miyeilis Flores

Jun 28, 2024, 17:51 PM EDT

Grilling sausages for hot dogs can be faster with a simple trick that will make the job easier when it comes to feeding guests quickly. Although hot dogs are a quick meal, there is a way to cook them even faster to lighten the work on a day where you have to serve several guests.

What you need to do to speed up the cooking process of the sausages is to make striped cuts. Make shallow cuts that crisscross around the outside of the hot dog, creating a grid or X pattern.

This way, more surface area will be exposed to the heat and flames of the grill, allowing the internal part to cook faster and producing a crispy and toasted effect.

Using this shallow cut technique, the estimated cooking time for the sausages is about 2 minutes total on high heat.

Generally, the cooking time for a sausage is between 5 to 7 minutes, so with the technique described above the time is considerably reduced to almost less than half.

Things you should know about sausage cuts

Packaged sausages come pre-cooked, so when we cook them at home what we are actually doing is heating them, and this in turn gives them more texture and flavor.

It must be taken into account that grating the sausages and placing them on the grill speeds up the cooking process, so it cannot be neglected at any time to prevent them from burning.

Another thing to avoid is cutting deeply or piercing them, as this would ruin them. A trick shared by the food portal Mashed is to thread the sausages on skewers before cutting them.

With this simple technique and very quick way of preparing sausages, hot dogs can be assembled more quickly without having to resort to some of the worst ways to cook a hot dog, such as boiling it or heating it in the microwave.

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