maria-marin's-column:-what-makes-a-man-fall-in-love?Maria Marin's column: What makes a man fall in love?
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By Maria Marin

Jun 29, 2024, 09:31 AM EDT

Most women think that sex is what makes a man fall in love with them. And it is true that for them sex is essential to feel happy in a loving relationship. However, there is something else that they need as much as sex to feel fulfilled with a woman.

What I am going to reveal is one of the best kept love secrets. If all women knew this information I am going to share, there would be more faithful men and fewer divorces.

Ready to find out? Well, MEN LOVE TO BE ADMIRED! And if you don’t know how to do it, you run the risk of making him fall in love with someone else. You’ve probably heard of many cases where a man leaves his wife for another woman who couldn’t even come close to his wife’s ankles, and you asked yourself: “Why did he leave her, if his wife was prettier and smarter?” What surely happened is that the lover knew very well that to have a man eating out of your hand you just have to admire him.

How to do it? Making a man feel good is not a complicated task. Phrases as simple as the following drive him crazy: “you are so funny”, “I laugh out loud with you”, “you are the best lover”, “I like your eyes”, “you are so smart”.

I know some of you will say: do I have to lie to him to make him fall in love with me? Of course not! You just have to focus on his positive qualities and highlight them. For example: if he is responsible, organized or a good cook, let him know that you admire that quality and that you feel lucky to have him by your side. Learn how to boost a man’s ego and you will have him at your feet!

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