three-mexican-immigrants-found-dead-on-arizona-borderThree Mexican immigrants found dead on Arizona border
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Jun 29, 2024, 16:59 PM EDT

Three Mexican immigrants were found dead by the United States Border Patrol in the Tucson Sector, in the desert area of ​​Arizona, on the border with Mexico, amid high temperatures that have already reached 110° F (43° C) in this region.

The Border Patrol reported that the bodies were located last Wednesday near the border town of Ajo, after another group of migrants activated one of the rescue towers located in the area.

Upon reaching the rescue tower, the migrants informed border agents that four other migrants had been left behind.

The agents began their search by land and air, discovering the three lifeless bodies and locating a survivor after he himself activated another rescue tower.

The Mexican Consulate in Tucson, Arizona, said the deceased migrants were from Veracruz and Jalisco, and that they are contacting their families.

The Tucson Sector Border Patrol has 58 rescue towers that emit a signal that is sent to border agents when it is activated.

“It is clear from this case that when migrants cross the border illegally, they are putting their lives in danger,” said Justin De La Torre, deputy chief of Border Patrol’s Tucson Sector.

“The desert terrain is extreme, the summer heat is harsh and the remote areas where traffickers transport migrants are unforgiving,” he added.

Currently, the Tucson Sector, which covers 90% of the Arizona border, is the one with the most migrant arrests along the border with Mexico.

During the summer, the Border Patrol issues an alert about the dangers of crossing the Arizona desert, which becomes a death trap.

Since last January until the end of May, 43 undocumented migrants have been reported dead at the Arizona border, according to the group Compassionate Borders.

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