severe-thunderstorms-forecast-for-new-york-city-this-sundaySevere thunderstorms forecast for New York City this Sunday
Avatar of Marlyn Montilla

By Marlyn Montilla

Jun 30, 2024, 09:33 AM EDT

The weather is expected to be hot and humid this Sunday afternoon, providing ideal conditions for a day of thunderstorms.

Storms expected to be strong to severe, with damaging winds and hail possible. Additionally, there is a slight risk of tornadoes forming, while storms will move through the area.

It will be very warm before the precipitation begins. Temperatures will rise into the 80s, but humidity will make wind chills feel like the 90s. A heat advisory is in effect for much of New Jersey.

Heat and humidity will create the perfect setting for storms to become stronger, NBC New York reported.

The first round of storms could begin shortly after lunchtime, around 1:00 and 2:00 p.m., with another round between 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.

For people hoping to attend the Pride March in New York City, you might be a little lucky and get a few hours without rain, but you should be prepared for the stifling heat that will be there, the recommendation is to drink water to stay hydrated and listen to the symptoms that the body presents.

Late Sunday afternoon, a cold front will move through the region, bringing storms with it. Temperatures and humidity will drop, meaning the work week and the month of July will get off to a good start.

There is no threat of rain so far for July 4, but it is expected to be hot and humid.

Keep reading:

  • Chicago weather forecast for Sunday, June 30
  • New York: Weather for today, Sunday, June 30
  • Severe weather in the Northeast has affected hundreds of flights ahead of the July 4 holiday

By Scribe