veronica-castro-was-hospitalized-for-emergency-surgeryVerónica Castro was hospitalized for emergency surgery
Avatar of Jose Antonio Castaneda

By Jose Antonio Castaneda

Jun 30, 2024, 8:31 PM EDT

Actress Verónica Castro was rushed to a hospital in western Mexico City last Friday night to undergo shoulder surgery, as she confirmed on her X account (formerly Twitter).

“I’m fine, my shoulder hurts, but I’m already recovering. Thank you very much for your prayers, for your concern and for asking, of course”

I’m fine, my shoulder hurts but I’m already recovering. Thank you very much for your prayers and concern and for asking of course 🙏

— Verónica Castro (@vrocastroficial) June 30, 2024

Her son Michel Castro assured that the singer is also recovering at home, but did not give more details about the reasons for the surgery.

“She is already at home, everything is fine. It was a simple operation on her shoulder. Thank you very much for your concern,” she told a news programme, making it clear that there was no reason to raise any alarm about her mother’s health.

It is worth mentioning that, although her son Michel and Verónica Castro herself reported that it was a “simple” shoulder surgery, it is known that for 20 years the soap opera star has been suffering from some consequences in the spine after falling from an elephant in a reality show.

Verónica Castro has stayed away from the screens and has only participated in special projects such as the series “La Casa de las Flores”, by Manolo Caro and the film “Cuando sea Joven”.

Born Verónica Judith Sáinz Castro, the renowned actress was born in Mexico City on October 19, 1952. The actress, singer and television presenter began her career at the age of 15, after showing a great interest in the world of entertainment since she was a child, and today she is one of the most recognized names in the world of soap operas internationally.

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