lucerito-mijares-advises-belinda-after-disguising-herself-to-escape-from-the-pressLucerito Mijares advises Belinda after disguising herself to escape from the press
Avatar of Jose Antonio Castaneda

By Jose Antonio Castaneda

04 Jul 2024, 22:42 PM EDT

The attitude that the singer Belinda had with the press a few days ago to avoid giving statements about the relationship between Ángela Aguilar and her ex, Christian Nodal, has been highly criticized, and now, it is Lucerito Mijares who gives her opinion on what her colleague did.

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In a brief meeting with the media, the daughter of Mijares and Lucero considered that it was not necessary for “Beli” to pose as a member of security to avoid media harassment and pointed out that everything would be easier if she had a more cordial relationship with the reporters.

“I think that in the end you have to make friends with the press because you are the ones who publish everything. Sometimes it is a little hard because you are not in a good mood or you don’t have a voice or things like that, but you always have to try to be nice to the media and not go around doing crazy things,” said Lucerito.

Finally, the singer assured that she is aware that there are times when correspondents are extremely insistent on a subject, everything could be solved if there was a balance between the artist and the press.

“My parents have taught me very well to be a good person with the press,” he concluded.

What did Belinda do to avoid the press and talk about Christian Nodal?

A few days ago, Belinda found herself back in the spotlight after a video was revealed in which she appears fleeing from the press dressed as a security guard.

In the video, which was shared on various social networks, the Mexican singer was captured inside Mexico City’s International Airport. However, and surprisingly, the artist was dressed in clothes similar to those worn by the airport guards.

Despite her attempt to go unnoticed, the press present managed to recognize the actress and chase her for several meters trying to get an answer regarding the relationship between Christian Nodal and Ángela Aguilar.

Belinda, visibly uncomfortable, simply asked not to be pushed and avoided answering any questions. Finally, she managed to get into her van, quickly removing her safety vest and returning it to the airline employees.

Continue reading more from Belinda:

· It is revealed that Belinda is preparing a tiradera against Ángela Aguilar

· VIDEO: Belinda “escapes” through the trunk of a van to avoid talking about Christian Nodal and Angela Aguilar

· Belinda answers for the first time to questions about Christian Nodal and Angela Aguilar

By Scribe