disney-heiress-demands-joe-biden-be-replaced-or-she-will-stop-donating-moneyDisney heiress demands Joe Biden be replaced or she will stop donating money
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05 Jul 2024, 23:55 PM EDT

Filmmaker and philanthropist Abigail Disney, heiress to the Walt Disney Company entertainment empire, on Thursday called on the Democratic Party, to which she is a major donor, to replace Joe Biden as its candidate in the upcoming US presidential election and threatened to cut off its funding if it failed to do so.

“I plan to cut off any contributions to the party unless and until Biden is replaced at the top of the presidential ticket. This is realism, not disrespect. Biden is a good man and has served his country admirably, but the stakes are too high,” Disney told CNBC.

“If Biden does not step back, the Democrats will lose. I am absolutely certain of that. The consequences of that failure will clearly be serious,” she added, referring to a potential victory for her rival, former president and Republican candidate Donald Trump.

Proposes that Kamala Harris replace Joe Biden

The film producer – granddaughter of Roy O. Disney, Walt Disney’s older brother and co-founder of the company – suggested in those same statements a replacement for candidate Biden: his number two in the administration he leads, Vice President Kamala Harris.

“We have a great vice president. If Democrats would tolerate any of her perceived flaws at a tenth of the rate that Biden’s have tolerated them (and let’s not kid ourselves about where race and gender figure into that inequity), and if Democrats can find a way to drop the chicanery and get behind her, we can win this election by a landslide,” he said.

On June 27, Biden came out of the debate with his rival Trump, who is leading in the polls, in a bad way. Since then, criticism of the current president has continued, while doubts about his chances of winning and speculation about a replacement before the Democratic convention in August prevail.

Keep reading:
• Biden announces “aggressive and targeted” campaign to win over voters in key states like Wisconsin and Pennsylvania
• Who is Biden’s inner circle that could be decisive in defining his political future?
• The Economist publishes a harsh cover against Biden

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