sergio-basanez-will-sell-his-bone-broth-in-supermarketsSergio Basáñez will sell his bone broth in supermarkets
Avatar of Cindy Quevedo

By Cindy Quevedo

05 Jul 2024, 13:03 PM EDT

A controversy arose on social media when it was revealed that Sergio Basáñez was selling bone broth, a fact for which he received a lot of criticism, although the actor did not see this as something bad because it generated a great demand and has become a huge success.

Now, the product can be found in a well-known self-service store in Mexico City, which has meant a very important achievement for the Mexican. For this reason, he took advantage of the camera’s social network to share the boxes full of his product that can now be purchased in a simpler way.

“Team Baak! These are the @costco_mexico branches where you can find our Baak Bone Broth. You can also place your order via WhatsApp using the code 301 Sergio Basáñez,” was the message that accompanied the news.

“Hello friends, how are you? Do you remember that I had a little stand? Well, look, it has now become a big stand. With the news that we are in Costco, this is thanks to you all for the support and encouragement you have given us to continue growing,” he said in the shared video.

Basáñez is very excited about this new stage in his venture and grateful for the support of his followers and those who have trusted his product. Despite the initial criticism and mockery, the actor has shown that his bone broth is not only a quality product, but that it has great potential in the market.

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“They said I was bankrupt and that I had my own little stand, it made me laugh a lot, I was just going to the bazaars (…) After all this gossip that was made, well, we placed it in a supermarket, in another supermarket, in a pharmacy and there things are going well,” said the actor during his visit to ‘Ventaneando’ last month.

“Fortunately, we are doing well. He is just a baby. We are pushing him to grow, but there we go,” she added during the interview.

Sergio’s bone broth has proven to be a successful product, which has managed to gain a place in the market thanks to its quality and unique flavour. Without a doubt, this venture by the actor has been a great success and once again demonstrates his ability to stand out in different fields.

Keep reading:
· Sergio Basáñez faces all the criticism he receives for his bone broth business
Sergio Basáñez goes from soap opera heartthrob to selling bone broth
· Intimate photos of actor Sergio Basáñez are exposed

By Scribe