his-cell-phone-overheated-and-he-put-it-in-the-freezer,-but-everything-ended-in-the-worst-wayHis cell phone overheated and he put it in the freezer, but everything ended in the worst way
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By Montserrat Arqué

08 Jul 2024, 18:25 PM EDT

Following improvised advice from the internet to repair a cell phone can result in irreparable and costly damage. Many of these tips are not based on solid technical knowledge and may be inappropriate for the specific problem of the device.

For example, placing an overheated phone in the freezer, as mentioned in the TikTok story of a young Mexican man named Carlos Ortega, can cause severe damage to internal components due to condensation and ice formation.

Furthermore, these unprofessional methods lack the necessary precautions for handling the delicate circuitry and materials found in modern phones, increasing the risk of permanent failure.

Ortega began by explaining that, due to the high temperatures recorded in his city, his iPhone began to overheat. When he tried to charge it, the phone showed him an overheating notification, which led him to look for a quick and effective solution to cool down his device.

In his story, Carlos mentioned that he thought of various ways to cool his cell phone, but decided to opt for an unconventional solution: putting it in the freezer. This decision, which might seem extreme to some, was made in a moment of desperation, seeking to avoid further damage to his precious device.

The young man explained in his video that he intended to leave his phone in the freezer for just a few minutes. However, he got distracted watching a movie and completely forgot that his iPhone was in the freezer. It was almost 2 hours before he remembered his phone.

Upon opening the freezer, Carlos was confronted with a scene he could never have imagined. The screen of his iPhone was cracked, as was the back of the device. In addition, the phone was no longer responding and could not be charged. This outcome was totally unexpected and, although tragic for him, it turned out to be a source of entertainment for thousands of TikTok users.

Carlos’ video quickly went viral. TikTok users were quick to react, offering advice and sharing their own experiences with overheated phones. “When mine gets hot I put it on the floor to cool down, it works,” commented one follower. “You just had to turn it off for a while and that’s it,” added another.

Tips to avoid overheating your cell phone

This incident highlights the importance of properly handling electronic devices in extreme heat conditions. Here are some helpful tips to prevent your cell phone from overheating:

1) Turn off your phone: If you notice that your device is very hot, turn it off for a few minutes to let it cool down.
2) Avoid direct sunlight: Keep your phone away from direct sunlight exposure.
3) Do not charge while hot: Wait for the device to cool down before connecting it to a charger.

By Scribe