gala-montes'-sister-revealed-strong-messages-from-her-motherGala Montes' sister revealed strong messages from her mother
Avatar of Cindy Quevedo

By Cindy Quevedo

13 Jul 2024, 15:13 PM EDT

Beba made a broadcast on the social network of the camera to talk about the things that have been happening between her sister Gala Montes and her mother Crista. In addition, she took the opportunity to add that her mother’s treatment of her has not always been the best and showed some evidence.

She also revealed that Gala has been a victim of emotional abuse by her mother for years, causing her deep trauma and serious damage to her mental health. She also mentioned that Crista has manipulated the press and public opinion to present a false image of the family, being in reality a possibly controlling and manipulative person.

“You are no longer fit for those photos. You are no longer 15 years old. You are already 30. It is the only reason I find that is… common, because you could upload good photos. Not those… You look ridiculous. You are already grown up,” she showed in one of the captures uploaded to the live.

Beba Montes showed part of the conversations she had with her mother. Photo: Instagram @labebamontes.
Beba Montes showed part of the conversations she had with her mother. Photo: Instagram @labebamontes.
Credit: Courtesy

These new revelations have caused a great stir in the world of entertainment, as Gala Montes is a well-known actress who has always shown an image of success and happiness on social media. However, these accusations call into question that image and reveal a much darker and stormier reality behind the cameras.

For her part, Gala’s mother, Crista Montes, has come out in her defence, denying all the accusations. The controversy seems far from over and it is expected that new details and revelations will continue to emerge in this media-heavy family conflict.

“They already did their live broadcast telling their part. It would be prudent for me to do one, and I’ve already seen that they’re gossiping and someone doesn’t even like it,” she said a few days ago in a story uploaded to the aforementioned application.

Beba’s accusations have caused a stir on social media, where many users have shown their support for the family and have expressed their concern about the situation. Some of Gala’s fans have asked for an investigation into the accusations of violence and abuse by her mother, and for psychological support to be provided to the Montes sisters to deal with this difficult family situation.

Keep reading:
· Gala Montes’ mother responds to those who tell her to work
· Gala Montes’ sister reacted to the fight with her mother
· Gala Montes spoke about her sexual orientation and her mother would be “homophobic”

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