newly-arrived-migrants-and-those-who-have-lived-in-new-york-for-decades-are-now-at-greater-risk-of-falling-into-the-web-of-fake-lawyersNewly arrived migrants and those who have lived in New York for decades are now at greater risk of falling into the web of fake lawyers

For New York City, it is almost an emergency to prevent thousands of new immigrants and others already settled from falling into the tangled web of deception of unscrupulous people, who are promoting in an ascending and increasingly refined manner, false “express packages” to supposedly help people with applications for immigration benefits, which would very quickly lead them to permanent residence.

According to Manuel Castro, Commissioner of the Mayor’s Office of Immigration Affairs of New York City (MOIA), since the migration crisis has been faced, one of the main obstacles to overcome is the lack of knowledge with which thousands of migrants have arrived in the Big Apple regarding the laws surrounding the benefit of political asylum.

The other major scam that has become widespread is the agents, notaries and false lawyers who tell immigrants with more than 10 years of continuous presence in the country that they can almost automatically obtain their residency.

Therefore, as one of the many initiatives to protect these vulnerable communities, MOIA in alliance with Catholic Charities, the State Office of New Americans (ONA), the Mayor’s Office for Immigration Affairs (MOIA), the Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office, Univision 41 New York and El Diario, will be part of the Immigration Fraud Helpline

At this event taking place this Wednesday, July 17, any migrant who needs to clear the risks of being scammed in their desperation to obtain legal status, has the free option of receiving important advice from experts, with just a phone call between 6 PM and 8 PM.

The number to call is 1 (888) 958- 5264.

“It is vital for us to warn our migrant community not to fall into these traps out of desperation. This event will be a window for people to have a basic consultation, where their case will not be resolved individually. But they will be able to report if they have been victims of fraud. Or if they think they have been,” said the head of MOIA.

This helpline is also an opportunity for the migrant community to find out what options for free legal help they may have in New York and what steps they should take to protect themselves from immigration fraud.

A “machine” that assembles asylum cases

According to Castro, an unscrupulous machinery has been set in motion, offering services to “set up asylum cases” when this is one of the procedures that requires the most expertise from lawyers. In these cases, very solid arguments and evidence must be used to prove that the applicant has been a victim of political, religious or sexual identity persecution.

The economic reality of the country of origin, the lack of job opportunities, medical services and food, are not reasons to be eligible for political asylum in the country.

“They cross the border through a ‘parole’ and, due to misinformation, assume that after that process, their asylum is automatically approved, because they were allowed in. When they arrive in New York, many find out that, individually, they must apply for one of the most complex, lengthy and expensive processes of the country’s immigration laws. And there they begin to be captivated by scammers,” he said.

This is why applying for political asylum is one of the most difficult processes for an immigrant, which undoubtedly requires authorized legal representation. In addition, it can mean years of waiting.

The other trap

Castro points out that the other benefit, much misunderstood, that has become one of the main traps for migrants who have been in the country for more than 10 years, is the process of cancellation of removal/deportation, to which non-residents who are in removal proceedings before an immigration judge may be eligible, if they have been in the United States continuously for the past 10 years and have had good moral conduct.

“In this case, we see with great pain how many of these immigrants, who think they are applying for this benefit, which is very confusing and specific, end up putting themselves in the hands of notaries or false lawyers, who charge them thousands of dollars. And everything ends in a deportation order,” he said.

The municipal commissioner, who personally shares that several decades ago his parents were victims of immigration fraud, emphasizes that what they have observed in recent months is that those who structure these scams are also immigrants.

“It is important to make it very clear that those who pose as lawyers end up violating New York laws, which can get them into serious legal trouble, including deportation,” he said.

Who should call?

  • Those who have doubts about the existing ways to legalize their status and who have heard rumors about new policies for “doing their paperwork.”
  • Victims of fraudulent lawyers, notaries, and form preparers who in recent weeks have offered them immigration relief plans, allegedly approved by the Joe Biden administration.

By Scribe