the-house-of-the-famous:-differences-between-telemundo-and-televisaThe House of the Famous: Differences between Telemundo and Televisa
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By Clary Castro

17 Jul 2024, 17:24 PM EDT

The Casa de los Famosos México will begin on Sunday, July 21, at 8:30 PM, Central Time. That Sunday, Galilea Montijo will host the gala with Diego de Erice, and we will also be seeing the interventions of the rest of the team, which will complement him for the opening: Odalys Ramírez, Pablo Chagra, Cecilia Galliano and Mauricio Garza.

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Now, the start of this new season in the Mexican edition allows the public to make interesting comparisons, especially because the Telemundo program always receives a lot of criticism for being 24/7. Because in practice, this one is not. That is to say, the broadcast of said space receives so much censorship, that even calling it “24/7” is truly laughable. Meanwhile, the Televisa edition fulfills what its name indicates, and the censorship is minimal or even non-existent at times.

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It is important to note that the Telemundo program is also a multi-platform reality show, but the experience in relation to Televisa’s is totally different. To start, there are the galas hosted solely by Nacho Lozano and Jimena Gállego. Then there is the 24/7 and the content generated on the network’s official networks. And then there is “Pica y se Extensión,” a program that starts after the Sunday galas where everything that happens during the transmission of the positioning and the dynamics of salvation is discussed.

Telemundo supports the reality show through all of its programs. Everything that happens in the house is covered in Hoy Día, Al Rojo Vivo, En La Mesa Caliente, and the show En Casa con Telemundo. However, Televisa has all the spaces covered with special hosts. For example, Cecilia Galliano and Mauricio Garza are the hosts of the “Pre-gala” and “Post-gala” spaces that are broadcast through Vix Premium for Mexico.

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While the day-to-day galas are hosted by Diego de Erice and Odalys Ramírez, Galilea Montijo is the star host of the Wednesday and Sunday galas, which are aimed at nomination and elimination, respectively. Afterwards, the narrative from social networks is directed by Pablo Chagra, who always stays in touch with millennials.

The decor of Telemundo’s Casa de los Famosos is much more austere. They always make changes, but compared to Mexico’s, it always looks less attractive, although truth be told, for season four they did improve a lot. But, Mexico just presented theirs and it looks phenomenal.

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Now, regardless of anything else, the truth is that both reality shows are important, successful and very good because for both networks they represent achievements that have allowed them to stand out from the competition. There is no one better than the other, they are just different and in the long run, both are aimed at the same audience, which does not even care about the geographical barrier and the impediment to voting by country location. The public wants to see the celebrities coexist, showing who they are, both in the good and the bad.

Continue reading more about Telemundo and Televisa’s La Casa de los Famosos here:
· Potro Caballero talks about his expectations in ‘The House of the Famous Mexico 2’
· Héctor Sandarti spoke about ‘The House of the Famous’ without him
· La Divaza lost her apartment: Was she evicted?

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