parsley:-a-natural-ingredient-with-benefits-for-the-bodyParsley: a natural ingredient with benefits for the body
Avatar of Miyeilis Flores

By Miyeilis Flores

18 Jul 2024, 12:43 PM EDT

Parsley or Petroselinum crispum (English parsley) is a medicinal herb used in cooking as a condiment and home remedy for its medicinal potential, according to studies that reveal its antioxidant properties and protection against DNA damage.

A study by the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI) reveals that parsley “has beneficial health properties and has the potential to prevent diseases related to oxidative stress, and can become a functional food.”

It is a plant that grows between 30 and 100 cm in height, it is native to Europe and Western Asia, but it is popularly used in the cuisines of Southeast Asia, China, India, South America and Mexico.

In the food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries, all parts of the plant are used: the leaves and stems, whether fresh or dried, as well as the seeds.

Benefits of consuming parsley

As a home remedy, it is used to treat hemorrhoids, the stem for urethral inflammation, and the root is used to eliminate kidney stones, improve brain function and memory.

According to research conducted to determine the benefits of parsley, hypoglycemic, diuretic, hypolipidemic, antimicrobial, anticoagulant and hepatoprotective activities stand out.

One of the advantages of condiments such as parsley is that it has a dual purpose, as it adds flavor to food and has medicinal properties, so the recommendation is to use them in moderation to maintain a pleasant flavor in the dish and obtain its benefits at the same time.

Parsley has a citrus aroma and spicy touch that have the ability to enhance sauces or be the star component of a green juice.

Parsley provides iron, calcium, potassium, proteins, more iron than spinach and vitamin A and C, according to the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN).

It is also a natural purifier, as it contains apiol, a diuretic component that helps digestion and prevents gas and constipation. It can also be consumed in shakes, infusions or capsules.

  • It helps regulate blood sugar due to its high flavonoid content, which helps prevent diabetes. It also has antioxidant properties that contribute to liver protection.

By Scribe