nicolas-maduro-takes-advantage-of-joe-biden's-resignation-to-campaign-in-venezuelaNicolás Maduro takes advantage of Joe Biden's resignation to campaign in Venezuela
Avatar of Luis De Jesus

By Luis De Jesus

21 Jul 2024, 20:42 PM EDT

Venezuelan leader Nicolás Maduro is taking advantage of US President Joe Biden’s recent withdrawal from his candidacy to consolidate his own campaign in Venezuela.

In a recent speech, he praised his American counterpart’s decision to drop out of the race, citing health and age as key factors.

“Today it was learned that Biden decided to withdraw after an intense debate about his health. He announced that he was going to speak with his family and then formalized his departure due to concerns about his well-being,” the socialist leader commented.

The Venezuelan president also stressed that the decision of the American president to prioritize his health and family was responsible and sensible.

He also took the opportunity to contrast his own physical condition with that of his American opponent. He highlighted his daily exercise routine and healthy lifestyle, suggesting that this demonstrates his ability and readiness to continue against the country.

“To be president, you have to be in iron health. I run 3 kilometers every day, I practice boxing and I follow a healthy diet. I feel younger and more energetic than ever,” he said.

He also highlighted his experience and the support of the military forces in Venezuela, and presented himself as a strong option in the face of the challenges of his campaign.

Maduro made these statements precisely when he is facing Edmundo González Urrutia, a 74-year-old candidate who has broad support in the presidential elections on July 28.

Venezuela’s majority opposition held religious meetings in Caracas and several regions of the country on Sunday in support of the candidacy of Edmundo González Urrutia. Henry Chirinos / EFE

Spokesmen from Chavismo have mocked the opposition candidate and have even lied about his health, claiming that he has cancer, but these disqualifications have not affected his candidacy.

“Do you want a weak and energyless president? Do you prefer a leader with no leadership skills?” he asked.

The Venezuelan leader stressed that he knows Biden, that they have differences and that he wishes him a long life.

“It was a responsible attitude, President Biden, I know you. I have to say that in your three years in office we have had permanent dialogue, and we still have dialogue commissions today. I only say, President Biden, rest assured that you made the necessary and correct decision and from Venezuela I wish you health and a long life, despite our differences,” he said.

Keep reading:
• Presidential candidate Edmundo González sends a message to Venezuelan migrants
• Venezuelan opposition leader denounces an attack against her by “agents of the regime”
• María Corina Machado asks Venezuelan migrants to organize for the presidential elections

By Scribe