netanyahu-calls-protesters-outside-congress-“useful-idiots”-of-iranNetanyahu calls protesters outside Congress “useful idiots” of Iran
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By The newspaper

24 Jul 2024, 15:40 PM EDT

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Wednesday that protesters in the streets around the U.S. Capitol are “useful idiots” of Iran and accused the Iranian government of financing anti-war protests in Gaza that have rocked American universities for weeks.

“I have a message for these protesters: When you are praised, promoted and financed by the tyrants in Tehran who hang homosexuals from cranes and murder women for not covering their hair, you have officially become Iran’s useful idiots,” Netanyahu told both chambers of the US Congress.

The Israeli prime minister also mocked them: “Some of these protesters are carrying signs that say ‘gays for Gaza.’ They might as well be carrying signs that say ‘chickens for KFC,’” in reference to the fast food restaurant Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC).

Netanyahu was greeted by constant applause from lawmakers, especially from the Republican caucus. However, several Democratic lawmakers boycotted his speech by staying away from their caucuses. One of them, Palestinian-born Democrat Rashida Tlaib, even carried a fan with the lettering “war criminal” written on it in protest.

The prime minister referred to information released on July 9 by US Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, who revealed that Iranian government agents infiltrated the protests in various ways, including by posting online to encourage protests and even providing financial support to demonstrators.

Netanyahu went further than the information revealed by the US, claiming that “from what we know,” Iran is “financing the protests against Israel” that are taking place, including those that have led to some two thousand people demonstrating outside the Capitol against his speech.

Attacks against Iran

Much of Netanyahu’s speech was filled with attacks on Iran, “America’s most radical and murderous enemy.”

During his speech, the Israeli prime minister referred to the protests against the war in Gaza that rocked major US universities and resulted in more than 3,100 arrests.

“Clarity begins with knowing the difference between right and wrong. Yet, incredibly, many anti-Israel protesters choose to side with evil. They side with Hamas. They side with rapists and murderers,” Netanyahu said, adding that these protesters “should be ashamed of themselves.”

Netanyahu recalled how just over a week ago it was revealed that US intelligence agencies had obtained information about an Iranian plot to assassinate former president and Republican candidate Donald Trump, weeks before the attack on him on July 13.

“Iran even blatantly threatened to assassinate President Trump,” Netanyahu lamented.

With information from EFE.

Keep reading:

  • Biden to meet Netanyahu at White House on Thursday
  • Hundreds arrested in US over anti-Netanyahu protests
  • Netanyahu orders to continue negotiations for a ceasefire in Gaza

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