more-than-10,000-people-will-receive-money-back-for-property-taxesMore than 10,000 people will receive money back for property taxes
Avatar of Jorge Antonio Vazquez Buendia

By Jorge Antonio Vazquez Buendia

25 Jul 2024, 10:30 AM EDT

The Cook County Treasury is refunding certain homeowners some of the money they paid in property taxes.

The $22 million will be delivered to 10,099 owners, of which 5,813 will receive the refund with a direct deposit from their banks and 4,286 through a check.

Most of the beneficiary residents will receive refunds for their property taxes without having to complete any paperwork or carry out any procedures.

The automatic property tax refund applies to payments made in the second half of 2023.

Cook County Treasury has made available for homeowners to track their refunds.

When entering the page, users must select the option: “Your Property Tax Overview.”

Then two options appear to track the refund money, where you must provide the address of the home, or the 14 digits of the “Property Index Number (PIN)“.

The Cook County Treasury estimates that beneficiaries will begin receiving checks by mail on August 9.

Most refunds will go to people who received exemptions in the second annual payment in 2023.

Eligible persons are:

· People who live on the property and are responsible for paying taxes.

· Senior citizens who live on the property and are over 65 years of age.

· People with a household income of less than $65,000 may qualify for a property tax freeze.

· Disabled people.

Keep reading:
· Social Security: 125,000 checks begin arriving to New Jersey households
· Increase in Social Security checks per COLA by 2025: The good news from the new estimate
· SSI Payments: Who will receive money starting August 1

By Scribe