column-by-dr.-nancy-alvarez:-elder-abuse-is-illegalColumn by Dr. Nancy Alvarez: Elder abuse is illegal
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By Dr. Nancy Alvarez

28 Jul 2024, 10:01 AM EDT

Public abuse of an elderly person is illegal. I’m talking about what happened with Joe Biden, the president of the United States. His wife is a psychologist with a PhD, and he has grandchildren and children. Did no one notice? Did no one who loved this man understand that he was being made a fool of in front of the whole world? He was forced to stay in one place, even though most people were asking him to retire now. At last, sanity has prevailed.

Everyone knows that I have never belonged to any political party, because I do not believe in most politicians. There are exceptions, but they are so few that they do not even deserve to be mentioned. Politics has really become something dirty, something that people do not believe in, and something that is responsible for the disaster of the world.

We don’t have serious politicians, although I’m generalizing again. They are always involved in theft and negotiating their own interests. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many people lobbying in Congress, in the Palace and everywhere else.

I don’t even have to explain this, because it is a worldwide feeling. Let it be clear that what they were doing to Joe Biden was abusing an elderly person. Children and the elderly must be respected; but there are people who do not have enough sanity to realize the ridiculousness.

I repeat, where was his family? How did they allow him to suffer so much shame and insist on something that could not be? How can a party like the Democrats not have clear rules about when to stop someone who cannot run the government?

We are talking about the world’s leading power, the country that supposedly represents the best democracy in the world, which is not true. But that is the reputation we have, and what we are supposed to do.

Gentlemen, I was in tears. And I say it again: I am not a fan of Biden, nor did I vote for him. I am not a fan of the Democratic Party either. I used to like it, but not anymore. Really, was it possible to continue allowing Biden to confuse Trump with the vice president, or Putin’s assassin with Zelensky?

It was crazy. Congress should now ask a group of neurologists, psychologists and gerontologists to analyze what is happening to Biden. We cannot afford that the person who orders the button to be pressed to blow up the world with the atomic bomb does not even know who Trump or Kamala are. Where have we come to?

I am an American citizen, and I was very proud of this country. Now, in the United States, there are attempts to assassinate one candidate and another one tried to continue, even though he was not mentally fit. I am ashamed to see what is happening. Time is running out.

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