maria-leon-denies-mistreatment-of-angelica-vale-in-the-play-“grease”Maria Leon denies mistreatment of Angelica Vale in the play “Grease”
Avatar of Jose Antonio Castaneda

By Jose Antonio Castaneda

31 Jul 2024, 22:22 PM EDT

Although weeks ago Angélica Vale assured that her departure from “Vaselina” was on very good terms with her castmates, María León has come forward to deny the rumors circulating regarding the fact that some members of Timbiriche treated Angélica María’s daughter badly when she was the protagonist.

Speculations that arose on social media and in the media suggested some tensions and conflicts between Mariana Garza and Alix Bauer with Angélica Vale during rehearsals and performances of the popular play.

In an interview with the press, María León said that she never witnessed any of Mariana and Alix’s snubs as has been reported, and pointed out that there was always a calm atmosphere both during rehearsals and performances.

“I don’t know about that, but I can tell you that when we were rehearsing I saw pure love, generosity and support, not only from Mariana and Alix, but from everyone in the company, so that Angélica Vale could get the role as quickly as possible. I have never seen a cast as united as this one,” said María.

Finally, the former vocalist of the group Playa Limbo denied that at any time she had felt jealous of Angélica for playing the role of ‘Sandy’ before her, since she understands that that was the agreement that was reached from the beginning.

“All the roles are wonderful. I played ‘Sandy’ for a year and then I started playing ‘Licha’, which is also a very complicated role and has received great recognition,” she concluded.

Watch the video at minute 26:15:

Keep reading:

· Angélica Vale sends a message to deny rumors of her death

· María León and Romina Marcos clarify their differences and say they are already friends

· Angélica Vale continues to be heavily criticized for her weight loss and she does not remain silent

By Scribe