the-'happiness-infusion':-combat-stress-and-anxietyThe 'happiness infusion': combat stress and anxiety
Avatar of Miyeilis Flores

By Miyeilis Flores

31 Jul 2024, 18:39 PM EDT

The so-called ‘happiness infusion’ is a drink prepared with lavender, a medicinal herb with a delicious aroma and flavour that helps improve mood and emotional well-being.

Experts agree that a person’s state of happiness is subject to various internal and external factors, which generate sensations that bring us closer to or further away from that state.

For this reason, they recommend a series of habits such as doing physical exercise, including foods that contribute to releasing happiness hormones, such as chocolate or nuts, and some infusions.

Learn about the benefits of lavender

Lavender is native to the lands surrounding the Mediterranean Sea and southern Europe, and there are more than 30 species, dozens of subspecies and hundreds of hybrids that are cultivated throughout the world.

Due to its many properties, this plant can be used as a home remedy to alleviate health problems, in natural cosmetics and in perfumery.

This plant grows to a height of 9 inches to 3 feet, has a delicious aroma, and its flower shades range from violet-blue to soft purple.

This ingredient in the ‘happiness infusion’ has anxiolytic, mood-stabilizing, sedative, analgesic, anticonvulsant and neuroprotective properties, according to research conducted on animals and humans.

The components of lavender act on the nervous system, the brain and hormones, helping to relieve stress, depression, anxiety or lack of sleep, factors that contribute to happiness.

  • Combats stress, anxiety and depression: lavender has antidepressant effects, due to its ability to relax the central nervous system, which in turn is key to lowering levels of anxiety, nervousness and stress.
  • Relieves headaches: Studies show that lavender can be effective for migraines and headaches, due to its anti-inflammatory and calming properties.
  • Improves sleep quality: Lavender infusion improves sleep quality by combating insomnia due to its relaxing and sedative effects. This results in the possibility of restful sleep.
  • It aids digestion, contains compounds that can modulate the intestinal microbiota, which would help prevent gastrointestinal diseases such as colitis. Meanwhile, the essential oil is used as a remedy to soothe digestive and stomach conditions.

This is how you can prepare the ‘happiness infusion’ with lavender

Preparing this ‘happiness infusion’ is very simple. Just boil water in a pot or cup in the microwave; add a handful of dried lavender leaves and flowers, and let it sit for about ten minutes.

After some time, strain the water to remove the plant and serve with the sweetener of your choice and a slice of lemon.

The happiness infusion is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, children, people allergic to the plant or with some intestinal and digestive conditions.

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