new-york-mother-found-blood-on-daughter's-burger-king-burgerNew York mother found blood on daughter's Burger King burger

In a shocking incident that has rocked fast food chain Burger King, a customer reported finding blood in one of her burgers.

Getzville, New York, resident Tiffany Floyd shared her experience in a TikTok video and on social media, detailing how her 4-year-old daughter nearly consumed the contaminated food thinking the blood was ketchup.

According to Tiffany, she and her daughter stopped at a local Burger King to pick up a kid’s meal. While out running with her kids, she decided to grab the food to go. However, upon receiving the food, her daughter noticed something strange. It was then that Tiffany realized that the red stains were not ketchup, but blood.

“I’m running with the kids and Tay wanted a burger so I stop and usually bring her food but today I just gave her the bag and I heard ‘mommy there’s ketchup in it and I didn’t want it’ so I take it back to see if they messed up our order and it was BLOOD!!,” Tiffany wrote on her Facebook account.

The mother immediately asked her daughter to spit out the food and, upon checking her own burger, found more blood stains. Shocked, she called Burger King to report the incident.

Burger King’s Response to the Bloody Burger Incident

The restaurant manager’s reaction was cold and uninspiring. After confirming that one of the cooks had cut his hand, he offered to give him his money back, but this response did not reassure Tiffany. “I called Burger King because I knew that if I went back there I would end up in jail and the manager calmly says ‘okay, our guy cut his hand, if you come back I will give you your money back’ WHAT!!” she recounted in her video.

Concerned about her daughter’s health, Tiffany consulted the pediatrician, who told her they should wait 30 days to do a blood test and continue monitoring her health for a year. “The pediatrician said they would have to wait 30 days to do a blood test on the child to determine if she had contracted any diseases. And then do blood tests every now and then for a year to see if anything comes up,” she explained.

When the local manager refused to reveal the cook’s identity, Tiffany contacted Burger King’s corporate office. A representative assured her that her daughter’s medical expenses would be paid. However, for Tiffany, this was not enough. “We told Burger King that the medical expenses were not enough (…) and how my daughter has not eaten since this and my anxiety is through the roof and what if my daughter needs professional help for this,” she said.

In a statement, Burger King expressed its deep concern and said it was working to resolve the incident. “We are deeply upset and concerned to learn of this incident. We have been in contact with the Guest and are working with her to resolve this incident. This incident was the result of a team member at the restaurant injuring their finger, and upon realizing this, they immediately walked away,” they said.

Burger King said it closed the restaurant to retrain all staff and hired an outside company to perform a deep cleaning. They hope to reopen the establishment soon and are paying employees for shifts missed during the temporary closure.

The impact of this case on social media has been significant, with numerous users expressing their outrage and concern about hygiene practices at Burger King. The company now faces the challenge of regaining the trust of its customers and ensuring that incidents like this do not happen again.

Burger King has promised to review and improve its food safety protocols to prevent future incidents and protect the health of its customers.

Keep reading:

* MTA bus crashes into Burger King restaurant in New York
* Strange rules that Burger King workers have to follow
* Scandal at Burger King in Colombia: man gets naked into a restaurant’s water tank

By Scribe