raul-gonzalez,-from-'despierta-america',-sends-a-harsh-message-to-fernando-carrilloRaúl González, from 'Despierta América', sends a harsh message to Fernando Carrillo
Avatar of Julio Blanca

By July White

03 Aug 2024, 17:16 PM EDT

Raúl González, host of the program ‘Despierta América’, sent a strong message against Fernando Carrillo for supporting Nicolás Maduro, who has been accused of committing fraud in the recent presidential elections held in Venezuela.

On the morning show on Univision, the host was emphatic and said: “Hello, I am Ra and I am Venezuelan, and Ra, whoever messes with Ra, hurts Venezuela. I am not going to respond to you in the same way, or what they are trying to get responded to. I will only tell you one thing, Fernando Carrillo, remember what is happening, history at some point, as I say, the truth will come out to flourish. We must be very careful with what we say, we must be responsible and understand what is happening in Venezuela.”

After this short but forceful message, Alan Tacher also criticized the actor, because he believes that he speaks of a reality very different from that experienced in the country: “I do not believe that Fernando Carrillo goes to the streets of Venezuela and sees people who are dying of hunger, what is happening in Venezuela, it is very easy to talk, to give an opinion, if you are not living in Venezuela.”

Francisca commented: “The people’s discontent is evident, doing this is totally crazy.”

Fernando Carrillo has been upfront about Maduro and believes that with him there is no reality as millions of people really denounce it.

This has caused many celebrities to call him to attention, because although they respect his political tendency, they believe that he should open his eyes to the difficult situation that is being experienced in the Latin American country.

Lili Estefan is one of those who has spoken on the program ‘El Gordo y la Flaca’, where she recently stated: “In the end, I have known for a long time that he has ideals that may not be yours and you respect the ideals of any person everywhere in the world. It is another thing to do that to his face and rub it in his face. Fernando Carrillo is an actor that we got to know over many years, decades of working only and now he has become a political activist.”

Keep reading:
· Lili Estefan gets furious and stops following Fernando Carrillo
Fernando Carrillo responded to Lili Estefan: ‘I’m surprised’
· Don Omar tells Lili Estefan how he was diagnosed with cancer

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