the-uncomfortable-experience-that-don-omar-lived-when-he-had-cancerThe uncomfortable experience that Don Omar lived when he had cancer
Avatar of Julio Blanca

By July White

02 Aug 2024, 23:05 PM EDT

Don Omar, a Puerto Rican reggaeton singer, recounted a particular moment he experienced in the midst of cancer diagnosed in his kidney.

In an interview with Lili Estefan, the ‘Virtual Diva’ singer talked about a rather unexpected situation he experienced with an admirer who worked at the health center where he was treated.

“I met a lady who was at the Orlando Health Cancer Center. I remember it was around 5 in the morning and I was first on the list because I always tried to get there first or last because I always thought that the offices would be empty, that there wouldn’t be many people. When I walked in, they let me in, they were doing some lab tests, they were drawing blood from me and the lady looked at me and said, ‘Are you Don Omar? ’ and I said yes and she answered, ‘Oh, well, wait, we’re going to take a picture so you don’t die,’” he said.

This situation shows that despite his fame and the recognition he has had for years in the music industry, he is a human being and that everything that happened affected him strongly.

How did Don Omar find out he had cancer?

In the interview, the famous singer gave details of when he was told he had cancer: “Everything was going well, we had just finished doing 20 shows in the United States, everything was sold out, and almost three shows before finishing I started to feel bad, to see that there were changes inside my body. I started to feel weak and I was at that moment in which I was feeling that weakness, it was nothing more than a hemorrhage that was being reflected in my urine for two weeks.”

His body began to show more signs that he was not well: “I thought I was dehydrated, I diagnosed myself, I started drinking water with lemon, self-medicating and everything really got worse.”

This story served to learn more details about the health of the ‘King’, as he is also known in the urban genre, who fortunately is now cancer-free.

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