christian-nodal-introduces-angela-aguilar-as-his-wife-during-a-concertChristian Nodal introduces Angela Aguilar as his wife during a concert
Avatar of Jose Antonio Castaneda

By Jose Antonio Castaneda

05 Aug 2024, 00:25 AM EDT

On a night full of surprises and emotions, Christian Nodal surprised all of his fans during his first concert in Mazatlán of the ‘Pal’ Cora’ tour, where in an unexpected turn of events, the famous regional Mexican singer introduced Ángela Aguilar as his wife to a packed audience.

During the event, which took place at El Encanto stadium, Nodal, who was on stage sharing his music and energy with the public, made a special pause to address the audience. With a smile and a special sparkle in his eyes, the singer enthusiastically announced: “My wife wants to come out and say hello to you,” said Christian while inviting Pepe Aguilar’s ​​daughter to come out to greet the audience.

Angela, who was backstage at the show, received a warm ovation and was visibly emotional. The couple, known for their impressive talent and chemistry on stage, shared an intimate and touching moment with their fans.

According to videos posted on social media, Angela walked out onto the stage where, smiling, she extended her hands to the audience before giving her husband a kiss and returning to her place behind the scenes to take cover from the rain.

The singer of “Qué Agonía” was applauded after her greeting and Nodal continued with the show. Likewise, Ángela was captured dancing and enjoying the show while wearing an outfit consisting of a white top and camel-colored pants.

This gesture of love not only captured the attention of those present, but quickly became the main topic on social media and the media.

It is worth noting that the concert continued with an even more vibrant atmosphere, as Nodal and Aguilar shared special moments and live music, demonstrating once again the strength of their personal and professional connection.

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