evelyn-beltran-had-a-cosmetic-touch-up-and-is-being-judgedEvelyn Beltrán had a cosmetic touch-up and is being judged
Avatar of Cindy Quevedo

By Cindy Quevedo

07 Aug 2024, 13:24 PM EDT

Evelyn Beltrán has shared her journey of self-discovery and self-love, emphasizing that the challenges in her life have led her to take care of herself both physically and emotionally. Her recent decision to undergo a cosmetic touch-up has generated mixed opinions among her followers.

Toni Costa’s ex-girlfriend is happy with the changes, although some fans have expressed their disagreement, pointing out that she already looks beautiful and considering her too young to undergo cosmetic surgery.

“I am a very self-confident woman, I am sorry that you misinterpret taking care of myself with all that you just said. I feel that it depends on what EYES you see it with. And I am very happy that you do not do anything to yourself, each one with his own things. Thank you for your opinion, my queen of heart,” was one of the responses she gave.

One Internet user said that this arrangement was due to her alleged insecurity, so she told her: “In other times I would delete your message and block you, but the truth is that thanks for your opinion, sometimes people comment without knowing or without having knowledge of these procedures so I take things from whom they come, beautiful. Greetings.”

Criticism of Evelyn Beltran

These types of reactions reflect the diversity of perceptions about beauty and personal choices, reminding us that each individual has the right to do what they feel is necessary for their well-being and self-esteem. Despite the criticism, Evelyn continues to focus on her own path and on what makes her feel good about herself.

“My God, you should love yourselves the way you are. You’re so young and you’ve had so many things done,” “You’re young and pretty, I don’t know why you’re so dressed up, tomorrow you’re going to look a lot older than your age,” “Thanks to the insecurity you carry around you submit to anything,” “Why do you do so many things to your face?” “Super young and pretty, why do you need so much retouching,” some Internet users began saying in the post.

Evelyn Beltrán has always been open about the cosmetic procedures she undergoes.
Evelyn Beltrán has always been open about the aesthetic procedures she undergoes.
Credit: Jennifer García | Mixheat

However, the negative opinions against her did not stop and others expressed that: “I can’t imagine her at 50”, “She does so many things that later she doesn’t look like them”, “So young and doing so many things to her face. I don’t think you even need it”, “Don’t do anything anymore, it’s fine like this”, “It’s not worth it, you’ve already done too many things, you really need to stop”, “They don’t want to be criticized, but then everything is made public”.

Keep reading:
· Evelyn Beltrán revealed details of her breakup with Toni Costa
· Evelyn Beltrán and Toni Costa have the same tattoo and she answers if she is thinking of getting it
· Evelyn Beltrán’s father speaks after learning that she ended her relationship with Toni Costa

By Scribe