column-by-ismael-cala:-the-example-of-bangladesh?Column by Ismael Cala: The example of Bangladesh?
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By Ismael Cala

Aug 10, 2024, 10:14 AM EDT

This week begins with the resignation of Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina after more than 300 protesters were killed and more than 10,000 people arrested.

While in countries like Venezuela there is still uncertainty regarding the results of the July 28 election, a student movement sparked the resignation and flight of the Asian country’s president.

It is regrettable that the death toll is an indicator for progress in internal conflict processes. Police and military brutality will never be the solution to silence the voices of discontent towards government management.

In Bangladesh, the armed forces have joined the protesters and refused to repress them, so the military will be in charge of assuming an interim government to take the reins of the country while democracy is restored. Let us hope that this is the best option for that nation and that they manage to restore democracy.

After 15 years in power, Hasina’s case reminds us of the importance of alternation between different political forces and why it is necessary to rotate them from time to time.

Is Bangladesh an example for Venezuela?

For the moment, Venezuela is experiencing a tense calm while presidents of neighboring countries such as Colombia and Brazil (and others not so much like Chile and Mexico) rush to meet, talk and negotiate, because they are clear that the wave of migration that has knocked on their doors will be small if Nicolás Maduro maintains his intention to seize power with electoral fraud for six more years.

There is an urgent need to restore confidence in the electoral process, and the only way to achieve this is by upholding the popular will expressed at the polls on July 28.

A kind of blackout The news is interpreted from the silence that runs through the social networks of the Venezuelans who still live in that country while the more than 7 million who have had to migrate have become the spokesmen of the truth.

Repression, fear, censorship and psychological harassment are not the solution. Listen to the people and act accordingly.

Let the cry of Bangladesh be an example to achieve freedom for Venezuela but in a peaceful and civilized way.

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