maduro-says-carter-center-has-“said-its-farewell”-after-rejecting-electoral-hacking-in-venezuelaMaduro says Carter Center has “said its farewell” after rejecting electoral hacking in Venezuela
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By The Diary

Aug 10, 2024, 4:13 PM EDT

Nicolás Maduro said that the Carter Center, which was an observer in the presidential elections of July 28, “has said its farewell” by stating that there is no evidence of hacking in the electoral system, which caused, according to the pro-government National Electoral Council (CNE), the delay in the vote aggregation process, the alleged result of which declared Maduro the winner.

“The Carter Center has no instrument, no capacity to say the nonsense it has said, that the Venezuelan system was not the object of a cyber attack (…). The Carter Center has said its goodbye through the sad door of lies in this electoral history,” said Maduro in a broadcast on the state channel VTV.

However, the international organization, which said that the Venezuelan elections cannot be considered “democratic,” was invited by the CNE “because of the seriousness it presents (…) in this matter,” according to Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino López.

Thus, Maduro criticized the Carter Center (which “is not a constitutional authority or institution in Venezuela”) for stating that there was no cyber attack when it is, according to the words of the leader of Chavismo, “public and notorious” and “brutal.”

He also claimed that the organization is run by officials “paid” by billionaire George Soros, while insisting (as Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yván Gil said) that the head of the observation mission in Venezuela, Jennie Lincoln, “is an employee of the State Department.”

Maduro said that the Carter Center observers arrived in Venezuela “prejudiced” and stressed that they already had a written report.

Last Wednesday, Lincoln said that, after analyzing the election data, the Carter Center believes that the true winner of the presidential elections is Edmundo González Urrutia (standard-bearer of the largest opposition coalition), who gathered “83.5%” of the electoral records that, he claims, demonstrate his victory, something that Maduro considers as “forged documents.”

Continue reading:

  • Maduro rejected the political asylum offered to him by the president of Panama
  • Maduro: The only negotiation with María Corina Machado will be for her to surrender to justice
  • Maduro demands that his allies from Brazil, Colombia and Colombia not comment on Venezuela

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