mob-of-teens-attacks-man-in-california,-breaks-his-legMob of teens attacks man in California, breaks his leg
Avatar of Jerald Jimenez

By Jerald Jimenez

12 Aug 2024, 09:15 AM EDT

A man has a broken leg after being brutally attacked and robbed in downtown Los Angeles, California, when a mob of teenagers on bicycles began attacking him.

The victim, identified as Shailoobek Bazarbai Uulu, was surrounded and assaulted by a group of about 30 teenagers, who also stole her belongings and damaged her vehicle.

According to the victim, a group of teenagers on bicycles stopped in front of his vehicle and, when the light turned green, he attempted to pass them. One of the teenagers threw a water bottle into Uulu’s car, causing him to stop and get out of the vehicle.

As he left, he was surrounded by the group of teenagers, and the situation quickly turned violent. Footage of the incident, captured by a witness, shows the teenagers attacking Uulu, stealing personal items from him, smashing the windows of his car and damaging the hood and trunk.

“This is what Los Angeles has become. Dog, I’m not even playing. I literally just parked. These kids are wild, they’re not even 20 years old,” Uulu added. Uulu can be seen barefoot and limping as several teenagers push and punch him.

The victim suffered a broken leg, as well as deep cuts and lacerations throughout his body. The leg injury will require surgery. The video also shows several adults, including the man who filmed the incident, attempting to stop the attack and disperse the teens.

Uulu mentioned that she had been planning to move, so many of her belongings were in her car, much of which is now missing, including documents, cash and credit cards.

When police arrived, the teenagers had already fled the scene. Uulu was taken to hospital, where he learned the severity of his injuries. Authorities are investigating the incident and seeking to identify those responsible.

With information from KTLA5

By Scribe