costco-is-exchanging-old-electronics-for-foodCostco is exchanging old electronics for food
Avatar of Raul Rodriguez Cota

By Raul Rodriguez Cota

Aug 21, 2024, 3:38 PM EDT

Costco has launched an innovative program that allows customers to exchange old electronic devices for gift cards that they can use to purchase food and other products at its stores.

This initiative offers a convenient way to get rid of old technology while making a profit at Costco.

Costco launched this program in collaboration with the company Phobio.

The best part about this program is that you don’t need to be a Costco member to participate, making it possible for more people to participate.

The process is simple: Through a link on Costco’s website, users can access Phobio’s platform, select their device model, answer a few questions about its condition, and receive an estimate of its value.

If the device meets the required criteria, participants can send it in at no cost and, upon evaluation, will receive a Costco gift card.

Depending on the type of device and its condition, the gift card could be worth up to $1,080 for an Apple laptop, $750 for a smartphone, and $200 for a smartwatch, among others.

The evaluation and card delivery process can take up to three weeks, although opting for a digital card can speed up this time.

Experts suggest that you frequently check how much your device is worth for trade-in, especially before new models come out, as you may be able to get a better deal then.

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By Scribe