ha-ash-member-shows-the-hard-blow-he-received-in-the-video-“i-got-it”Ha Ash member shows the hard blow he received in the video “I Got It”
Avatar of Jose Antonio Castaneda

By Jose Antonio Castaneda

22 Aug 2024, 01:52 AM EDT

One of the members of the pop duo Ha Ash has revealed on social media the hard blow she received during the filming of the music video for their single “I Got It.” In a video recently shared on their Instagram account, the singers shared a small snippet of the recording, in which Hannah is shown doing a dance move with her knee and hitting Ashley in the mouth.

The accident, which occurred in a particularly dynamic scene of the video, caused concern among the group’s fans and followers. In the shared images, the members show that, after realizing what had happened, the cameramen immediately stopped filming and placed ice on the singer to try to prevent her mouth from swelling, while her sister shows how her lips were imprinted on her clothes.

For several years, social media has witnessed how the girls of Ha Ash often play heavy jokes on each other. Because of that, Ha Ash fans joined in with their sense of humor and left comments like: “That hurt them both. Hanna crying and Ashley all purple, the best thing is that in the end they end up laughing”, “That’s why Ashñey has the most beautiful lips”, “With this Hanna already got revenge for all of Ashley’s jokes”, and “She almost took her mouth off”.

The “I Got It” video has already been released on digital platforms and has received praise for its energy and creativity. Despite the setback, the group has continued with their tour and promotion, proving their professionalism and dedication to their art.

After traveling to Nashville, where they found inspiration to write their latest single, the sisters are preparing for their “HaAshVille” tour, which begins on August 31 in Mexicali, Baja California and will take them through several states in Mexico and the United States.

Continue reading:

· Ha*Ash: Hanna slaps Ashely hard in the face during a concert. “Revenge has been sweet,” say fans

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