maite-perroni-and-the-emotional-message-after-20-years-of-rbdMaite Perroni and the emotional message after 20 years of RBD
Avatar of Cindy Quevedo

By Cindy Quevedo

21 Aug 2024, 08:21 AM EDT

None of the actors in “Rebelde” began the project thinking about the huge worldwide success they would have, leaving such a deep mark on Latin American pop culture. Two decades after its release, it is clear that the band’s music transcended generations, resonating not only with those who lived through that era, but also with new fans who are discovering their legacy.

Maite Perroni, as one of the most emblematic figures of the RBD, has expressed feelings that many people experience when looking back on her life and career. The nostalgia that evokes that stage means much more than just memories that represent personal and professional growth.

“20 years… 2004… time flies, they told me. There I was, one summer in 2004, in the first days of filming REBELDE, posing in front of a camera without having any idea how it was done, much less what was coming. And that is where I return every time I feel like I am in the middle of the noise. I like to go back to that 21-year-old Maite who, without pretensions, believed that the world was the color her parents had painted it for her, to that Maite who bet on fulfilling her dreams,” she began writing in the post.

“To that Maite who had her heart broken more than once until one day she realized that the world was not rosy, and that she had to be strong, to that Maite who has fought to not stop being herself, to that Maite who loves the simple and treasures the truth, to that Maite who makes others uncomfortable for being authentic, but who loves from the soul and honestly. Today I embrace with all my being and deeply thank that girl who has taught me so much and who has never left me alone,” she added in the post.

Maite’s ability to reflect on her past and the impact it has had on her present is a reminder of the importance of the experiences that shape us. Those moments, although long gone, continue to influence her life and career, creating an emotional bond that endures over time.

As RBD fans celebrate this date, they are likely to also share their own memories and the influence that the band’s music and history has had on their lives, creating a sense of community that has remained alive over time. Their lyrics about love, friendship, and solidarity, continue to be a refuge and a source of inspiration for many, proving that the impact goes beyond a song.

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