venezuelans-lead-the-flow-of-migrants-crossing-the-“hell”-of-darienVenezuelans lead the flow of migrants crossing the “hell” of Darien
Avatar of Luis De Jesus

By Luis De Jesus

Aug 25, 2024, 11:52 PM EDT

Venezuelans are leading the flow of migrants who have crossed the Darien jungle so far this year, a passage considered a hell. This is according to information published on Sunday by the Ministry of Public Security of Panama.

In the data they shared, they indicated that at least 230,000 people have used this passage, most of them in order to reach the United States.

Of that number, 66% come from Venezuela, representing a total of 153,226 migrants, reported the EFE news agency.

Early in the morning of this Saturday, August 24, the third flight corresponding to the deportation plan for foreign citizens who entered the country illegally through the Darien jungle was carried out. @migracionpanama

— Ministry of Public Security of Panama (@MinSegPma) August 25, 2024

After this, there are Colombians and Ecuadorians. In fourth place are citizens from China, demonstrating that migrants from such remote countries also join the hard journey through the jungle.

In the official report, they spoke of how children and adolescents are exposed to the difficulties of the journey: “This year, a total of 133 unaccompanied minors have also arrived in Panama.”

Regarding deaths, during these months, it is reported that a total of 42 people have lost their lives in Darien.

The risks of crossing this route

For years they have been campaigning to try to discourage people from making this journey, due to all the dangers faced by those who decide to cross.

One of the main conflicts is the Colombian criminal group Clan del Golfo, which, according to the authorities of Colombia and Panama, controls a large part of this area.

Migrants who venture into the jungle also face assaults and rapes. They also have to deal with other environmental hazards such as wild animals and flooding rivers.

Why do Venezuelans lead the way in crossing the Darien River?

Basically, this is due to the crisis that has worsened in recent years in the country as a result of Chavez’s regime. This situation, combined with the difficulties they encounter in the economy, public services and other aspects of quality of life, has forced millions to migrate.

The outlook is made more difficult by the current situation as a result of the results of the presidential elections in Venezuela given by the National Electoral Council, which declared Nicolás Maduro the winner.
However, they shared this announcement without presenting the minutes that would allow us to see in detail how this supposed victory occurred.

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• Edmundo González was summoned by the Venezuelan justice system: what is he accused of?
• European Union calls for independent verification of election results in Venezuela
• Venezuela: González and Machado thank Harris for defending “democratic values”

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