monse-medina-told-about-the-struggle-she-is-going-through-due-to-a-disorderMonse Medina told about the struggle she is going through due to a disorder
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By Cindy Quevedo

Aug 30, 2024, 6:17 PM EDT

Monse Medina, known for her participation in the morning show “Despierta América,” has openly shared her struggle with body dysmorphic disorder, an issue that affects many people. This mental disorder involves a different perception of physical appearance, which can lead to constant dissatisfaction.

“Many years ago Astrid (Rivera, journalist from Despierta América) asked me to do this interview and I recently mentioned it to LuzMa (executive producer), I wasn’t ready in that body and I’m kind of embarrassed to say it because it was a healthy body and it continues to be a healthy body that allows me to walk, that allows me to get to work and I think that many times one doesn’t give importance, one doesn’t give thanks to one’s body and it’s part of the process. I know that many girls and teenagers go through the same thing, which is what makes me the angriest,” she said on Univision.

Monse stressed the importance of talking about these types of mental health issues, as many people facing similar situations may feel alone or misunderstood. By sharing her experience, she seeks not only to eliminate the stigma of the disorder, but also to provide support to those who go through similar situations.

“I know we can sit here and blame the media and blame the pressure, but it is our responsibility to take action too and I think that is why I decided to tell it because it is not just about me, it is about sending a message and if I have a platform and I am experiencing something. I know, the numbers say it, 10 million people suffer from this and 20 million in the country suffer from some type of eating disorder,” she said during her speech.

She also took the opportunity to mention a very personal experience: “Two years ago, I had to take the mother of one of my best friends to rehabilitation for an eating disorder and I think that was one of the biggest mirrors in my life and I think that is why I am encouraged to tell this story.”

“Despierta América” has become an essential platform to address relevant issues in the Hispanic community, and Monse Medina’s testimony is a clear example of how the program not only entertains, but also informs and empowers its audience through stories of overcoming and resilience.

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