maria-celeste-arraras-talks-about-the-death-of-her-partner-and-how-she-has-dealt-with-mourningMaría Celeste Arrarás talks about the death of her partner and how she has dealt with mourning
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By July White

Aug 31, 2024, 4:41 PM EDT

This week, María Celeste Arrarás participated as a guest on the program Desiguales, broadcast by Univision, and spoke about the death of her partner Raúl Quintero.

During a conversation with the hosts of the show, she relived how difficult this moment was and also how she has tried to cope with this loss.

“You don’t get over that loss, it takes a long time and the fact that I am a strong person and that I continue with my life because there is no other way, doesn’t mean that you don’t carry the pain inside. That is something that you go through on autopilot, always with that feeling, losses are very difficult,” she said.

The former host of Al Rojo Vivo confessed that death is something she finds difficult to assimilate, but that she has understood that the ideal is to try to move on.

“You can’t ignore grief, sooner or later it comes to you and when it does you have to go through that process that has many stages: anger, denial, what happened to me was that since it was so sudden, the first few weeks I thought he was going to walk through the door,” said the Puerto Rican journalist.

She added that everything was more difficult because she was in Spain when it happened. “I had just landed a couple of hours ago and they called me to tell me that he was dying, that they had found him with a massive heart attack and that the paramedics were trying to resuscitate him. I was sitting on a public bench in Spain and it seemed completely unreal,” she added.

María Celeste Arrarás said that it has been difficult for her to cry, but when she boarded the plane to return to Miami, three flight attendants hugged her and that made her break down.

During this process, she has focused on thinking about positive things, like the fact that her partner was exercising, something he loved. She also said that they were living a very special moment. “He died happy, he will always be remembered as beautiful, precious, full of life. When he died the night before I left for Spain, I had left him a very nice, very loving message. He had answered me, so he left feeling loved, I didn’t feel any guilt,” she added.

Continue reading:
· María Celeste Arrarás shares one of the incredible experiences she had on her vacation in Italy
· María Celeste Arrarás responds to someone who told her that she looks happier after the death of her husband
· María Celeste Arrarás and her message against bullfighting and animal abuse

By Scribe