nayib-bukele-responds-to-time:-will-he-run-for-president-of-el-salvador-again?Nayib Bukele responds to Time: will he run for president of El Salvador again?
Avatar of Luis De Jesus

By Luis De Jesus

Aug 31, 2024, 11:57 PM EDT

In a recent interview with the magazine TIMEEl Salvador’s president, Nayib Bukele, referred to the possibility of running for president again, making it clear that he will not seek a third term.

“I cannot run for president again, as established by Article 152 of the Constitution. In addition, I have an agreement with my wife that this will be my last term,” Bukele said.

The Salvadoran president thus dispelled doubts about his political future beyond 2029.

Nayib Bukele, whose term ends in 2029, referred to the constitutional article that prohibits serving as president for two consecutive terms.

To get around this ban and run for re-election, El Salvador’s Legislative Assembly approved in December 2023 a request that allowed the politician to leave office for six months and concentrate on his presidential campaign.

In doing so, he avoided the legal consideration of being in office and allowing him to aspire to a second term.

Regarding his future after 2029, Bukele confessed that he still has no concrete plans, although he is considering the possibility of writing a book.

“It will be a challenge, because I don’t see myself returning to the private sector… I don’t really have a defined plan for 2029,” he said in the interview.

Nayib Bukele’s stance on his continued rule has generated speculation, especially given his high popularity based on his war against gangs.

However, the president has been emphatic that he will not violate the Constitution to remain in office beyond his current term.

The Salvadoran president expressed confidence in his administration and the direction he has set for the country, while reaffirming his commitment to respect the Constitution and the agreements established in his personal and political environment.

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• Nayib Bukele says El Salvador has the best judicial system in the world
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