jomari-goyso-exhibits-francisca-in-despierta-america:-“remember-what-gennarito-says”Jomari Goyso exhibits Francisca in Despierta América: “Remember what Gennarito says”
Avatar of Julio Blanca

By July White

01 Sep 2024, 13:32 PM EDT

Television host Jomari Goyso exposed Francisca on the Despierta América program broadcast by Univision.

On the morning show, the Dominican-American was singing and the Spaniard told her please not to do it, because Gennaro, the host’s son, did not like it, because he thought she did not do it well.

“Remember what Gennarito says: ‘Mom, don’t sing, because you don’t sing well.’”

After this comment, Francisca confirmed it and explained that her son does not think she sings beautifully. “What is important is what I believe,” Francisca joked.

Many users reacted to this moment that was recorded on the television program and left messages like: “Relax, Francisca, these are stages,” “We love Gennarito,” “Children always tell the truth, even if it hurts us,” “Yes, because sometimes she wants to be too funny.”

Others said: “So beautiful! If you like the way you do it, then sing, my Fran”, “As the great poet said, to sing you just have to use your throat and let your soul fly”.

A few days ago there was a tense situation on the show between the two hosts.

It all started when the Dominican woman was talking about how difficult it is for her to forgive, especially if it is for infidelity, as she explained due to past situations that she has had to face.

“If I leave someone like that because of infidelity and I have to work with him, I say ‘oh no, change him’,” she said. In response to this, her partner asked her bluntly: “And the messages of empowerment, of forgiveness, what do you do?” The artist began to feel uncomfortable upon hearing the comment and told him: “I haven’t talked about forgiveness yet.”

After this, Jomari Goyso continued: “Take out the clips, there are surely 20 clips (of Francisca) talking about that.”

In response to this comment, Francisca said: “You are a troublemaker and you can end anyone’s career. I have not spoken of forgiveness, I have spoken of fulfilled dreams, of moving forward, of determination, of love. I forgive, I am saying that a situation like that is difficult enough, and it would probably be very complicated for me to understand it.”

Continue reading:
· Jomari Goyso is criticized for his silence on ‘Despierta América’ when they talked about Cazzu
· Jomari Goyso defended Christian Nodal and Angela Aguilar
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