mexico-promises-trips-to-migrants-with-asylum-appointments-to-take-them-to-the-us-borderMexico promises trips to migrants with asylum appointments to take them to the US border

The Mexican government announced the creation of an “Emerging Safe Mobility Corridor,” which will consist of escorted bus rides from the south of the country to the U.S. border for non-Mexican migrants who have received an appointment to request asylum.

The National Migration Institute (INM) reported in a statement that this is an auxiliary measure in the land transportation of foreign persons who have a CBP One appointment.

The buses that will be available to the migrants, who are mostly Central Americans, will leave from the southern cities of Villahermosa in Tabasco and Tapachula in Chiapas, with the aim of transporting migrants safely to the border with the United States.

One of the objectives is to protect the family

“The project is part of an inter-institutional strategy aimed at ensuring the safety of foreigners who decide to travel by land to the point of entry for their appointment. In order to protect family unity, the immigration authority will give priority to these groups to travel together,” INM said in the statement.

As mentioned, the two cities from which these vehicles will depart are located in the south of the country. In Villahermosa, Tabasco, the departure point will be at the Immigration Station. Regarding Tapachula, in Chiapas, they will depart from the Immigration Regulation office in the Southern Zone.

The Mexican agency’s announcement comes after the U.S. government expanded access to the CBP One app to southern Mexico. Access to the app, which allows asylum seekers to register and wait for an appointment, was previously restricted to central and northern Mexico.

They will obtain a 20-day immigration form

Although there are some complaints from migrants, since the wait to confirm the application appointment can take several weeks and they would need to work to support themselves during that time, INM also announced a solution.

“The INM will issue a Multiple Migration Form (FMM) valid for 20 days for those people with a confirmed CBP One appointment who choose to travel to the scheduled appointment location through the emergency safe mobility corridor, which will allow them to have regular stay status during their journey,” they reported.

As part of the security of the transfer of migrants, the buses that are enabled to make the trip will be accompanied by security institutions at the federal, state and municipal levels. In addition, food will be provided during the corresponding trips.

300 migrants requested CBP One appointment

In order to respect the application appointment that migrants have confirmed, since on previous occasions, despite showing that they had completed the procedure, some migrants were detained at checkpoints and sent back to the south and missed their appointments.

The institute shared that, so far, a total of 300 people who requested their CBP One appointment in Tabasco and Chiapas received a response to their request within a few days.

“The INM promotes actions in institutional coordination aimed at working towards safe, regular, orderly and humane migration,” the statement concluded.

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By Scribe