benefits-and-risks-of-eating-avocado,-according-to-expertsBenefits and risks of eating avocado, according to experts
Avatar of Miyeilis Flores

By Miyeilis Flores

02 Sep 2024, 09:01 AM EDT

Avocado is a food rich in nutrients, vitamin C and healthy fats. Scientific studies prove its multiple health benefits, making it a highly appreciated food called green gold.

The avocado is a pear-shaped fruit that contains a single rounded seed inside. It is native to Mexico, Colombia and Venezuela, and its consumption has spread around the world.

The name comes from an Aztec word that called it ‘ahuacatl’, which means ‘testicle’, “since it was considered an aphrodisiac fruit,” according to the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN) cited by Heraldo.

The truth is that this fruit is considered one of the most beneficial for the body, because it is rich in vitamin C, which protects the immune system. While it contains vitamin E, it enhances its antioxidant properties that help combat cellular oxidation, preventing the signs of aging.

Experts warn that moderate consumption of avocado is recommended, but excessive consumption can have health consequences, as in the case of kidney patients.

When reviewing the nutritional value of avocado, we have that one weighing 200 grams provides 33% of the recommended intake of vitamin B6.

In addition, it is rich in minerals such as potassium, which stimulates and contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system and muscles.

It is also a source of healthy fats, carbohydrates, protein, essential nutrients, sodium and fiber, a compound necessary to maintain a healthy intestine.

Risks of avocado consumption

Experts recommend moderate consumption of avocado, otherwise it can cause health problems.

Consumed in high doses it can cause various stomach problems, this is because it has a high fiber content.

In moderation, these fibers promote bacterial diversity and regulate intestinal transit, but in excess they affect the stomach.

Nutritionist Ariana Cucuzza tells Cleveland Clinic that the recommended amount is half an avocado a day, since eating too much fiber can cause bloating and abdominal pain.

While people with kidney problems should be careful about consuming too much avocado, due to its high levels of potassium and sodium, which can worsen symptoms.

Continue reading:

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