maria-celeste-arraras-remembers-her-beginnings:-“i-even-had-to-clean-bathrooms”María Celeste Arrarás remembers her beginnings: “I even had to clean bathrooms”
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By July White

02 Sep 2024, 19:37 PM EDT

Puerto Rican journalist María Celeste Arrarás talked about her life before she became famous, when she had to take on jobs she never imagined possible, including even dignified tasks like cleaning bathrooms.

During an interview with Carlos Adyan, the host of successful programs spoke about her process of self-improvement.

“I see journalism as the most wonderful career in the world, the career I would have done even if I hadn’t been paid a cent,” he said.

The Puerto Rican explained that she has always done everything with great care, because it is something she is very passionate about.

“I couldn’t have chosen a better profession,” said María Celeste Arrarás.

Regarding her beginnings, the Puerto Rican recalled that she has always been a very curious and inquisitive woman, two qualities that she considers vital for any journalist.

“My dad had a sports newspaper when he was young. He was probably in his 40s and I was about 15 and when that happened, it was my first job, at that sports newspaper, because I was a swimming champion, I knew about several sports, I had that inquisitive mind and I liked to write, which are the perfect combinations for that and after that I wanted to be a journalist but for a newspaper, for something written,” she said.

Then, he got to know the audiovisual world and discovered that he had that gift too.

María Celeste Arrarás explained that she studied at Loyola University in New Orleans, and due to the financial difficulties her family was facing at the time, she had to seek a scholarship to be able to pursue her degree.

She also worked in various jobs, she said. “When I went there I worked in everything, from waitress, serving ice cream, making bananas with chocolate, I even had to clean bathrooms because when you work in the restaurant you have to do everything and that gave me strength of character and taught me to appreciate money, all those very important things, I paid for my studies and here I am.”

The journalist said that when she started looking for work in her country, it was quite difficult, since there were not many jobs and they gave opportunities to people with experience, until she started writing television commercials in an advertising agency.

“It’s a piece of advice I always give to college kids: find something in your industry, put your foot in there, and once you put your foot in and give yourself the opportunity to dip your toes in, you dive in and find yourself head first,” he said.

Continue reading:
· María Celeste Arrarás shares one of the incredible experiences she had on her vacation in Italy
· María Celeste Arrarás responds to someone who told her that she looks happier after the death of her husband
· María Celeste Arrarás and her message against bullfighting and animal abuse

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